How to get small scatches out of stainless steel slide


New member
Just wondering if there is a product or anything that can remove scratches from stainless steel slides. I have a 1 inch half moon scratch on my slide from my thumb safety lever (when taking the gun apart the safety lock slid up and scratched the slide).

Or is it advised to take it in and have it done professionally and whats the general cost?


I use a green Scotchbrite pad and it is the only thing I will use I do go with the grain. And it removes the discoloring and blemishes.
I recently removed the "idiot mark" that came pre-installed on my used Kimber (and that I had been living with for about five years).

Someone mentioned the green Scotchbrite trick, and it worked beautifully.
Just go easy, and go with the grain (fore and aft, not up and down). I sure don't miss that scratch one bit. :)

I imagine Flitz would be great if you wanted a near chrome-like finish, but for a "matching" texture on most stainless guns, the green Scotchbrite will provide better results.
i have tried the scotch bright pad and it doesnt seem to be working all that well. It took most of the scratch off but maybe its me because I KNOW that there is a scratch there??? My brother said he didnt notice it until i pointed it out to him. But its about 50% gone so thats a heck of a lot better than i thought it would be :)
handgunfan101, Are you doing just the part of the side affected (the spot) and or the whole slide if your just polishing the scratch then you will see the improvement but when you do the whole slide it will blend in better and then it may just be the trick that will please you.
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I started to do the SPOT where the small scratch is but then i noticed it a great deal of luster in the SPOT as to the rest of the gun.

I dropped it off at the LGS and the guy said that he would buff the entire slide for free seeing i do a lot of business up there. I couldnt pass up that deal.
If the spot was shinier than the rest of the slide, the abrasive you were using was too fine. You have to match the finish grit, or it won't match.
Unless you are dealing with a fine or mirror finish, polishes like Flitz or Simichrome won't work. Even with mirror finishes, you have to sand the scratch out, and use progressively finer finishes to get back to mirror.