How to FIX America....?


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As a less than college grad I have a simple man's idea...
Now ya'll better educated help me fill in the gaps and how to's and such.
get rid of the parties. How? I have no idea how to completely dissolve them but IMO it is needed. Each citizen should only listen to the politician and review their record. If their stated "mission" differs much from the record than it is an OBVIOUS lie to get elected. If their mission is similar to what the citizen feels best and it mirrors their previous record than it is likely your best option. I am only a republican on my card... I would vote for whom ever best serves my interest. I ASSURE you that none of this socialist democrat options are getting my vote. But I think too much emphasis and power is given to the Presidential position. I thought they were just in place to veto or approve on behalf of us states. And to speak on our behalf to foreign powers.
If I were president i think I would listen to all the states reps and vote or veto for the majority. I didn't understand properly in civics class or something. I am a registered republican but no options offered for my vote share my desires and I doubt that the majority of registered Democrat voters wish to live in a SOCIALIST country as the 2 options available on their ticket. Now we have to worry about ticked off republican voters choosing ANY democrat 'cuz they are mad and disenchanted by Bush/Cheney. Either offering is anti 2A and pro socialist government control on medical care which MUST result in further infringement on our personal liberty. Pardon me if I sound uneducated but I am and this is just a simpleton's idealistic utopian concept...
If I were president i think I would listen to all the states reps and vote or veto for the majority.

Problem with this tactic is that you either get a Clinton, testing the winds of political chance with his finger every sunday with polls in the New York Times... or you get a Bush-43, supposedly standing on the platform of the Republican party but agreeing to "work with" those on the other side of the aisle to add Medicare benefits, pass an additional AWB if it makes it to his desk, or in general spend our treasury into the sewer and the bill of rights into the grave.

Listening to the majority just gets you a dictatorship of the majority, where 51% of the people can enslave the other 49%. That's the dirty secret heart of socialism.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess of the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
-- Sir Alexander Fraser Tyler
Compliments to you

Hotdogs, your posts always seem to be well thought out and loaded with good old common sense. The smartest men I've ever known were educated by life and had brillant common sense on lifes lessons. Give me a person like that anyday then some MBA, PHD that knows nothing about the real world.

Politics being controlled by big money & the press. It's overwhelming.
I agree that an education doesn't make you smart. But to the point of the topic most liberals I've heard from don't understand that we are a representative Democratic Republic not a pure democracy. The reason it was set up that way is that if a majority voted for free food how would it actually happen? It's impractical. We vote for people to represent us that match our wishes the closest and hope they get it done.

I don't see a better alternative. I support the two party system, look at European countries where they have many parties in power, they go through changes quite rapidly compared to us. I think that's the reason we are the world's oldest
How about this: Remove all traces of party affiliation from the voting machines. People who haven't done their homework would then be lost in the statistical noise floor.
Our political system is definitely a curiosity. With all its checks and balances an issue has to become huge before any corrective action can be taken. By that time it is playing catch up. Compared to parliamentary systems ours is clumbersome and slow just the way the founders intended.

America will never be broken as long as we stick to the game plan laid out in the constitution. To me our biggest danger is letting the United States dissolve into the greater world pool. Too many think it is a hot shot progressive idea to allow the United States to be restricted and governed by world organizations and erase our borders and outsource all our industry and jobs. Keep doing that and we will soon find that the quaint notions of nation is gone. The only piece of senate legislation I ever heard of Obama introducing is to bind the U.S. to a much higher percentage of foreign aid which the United Nation controls. Thats treason friends IMHO.
This is an easy one! Study really hard in college. Invent a time machine that can go back in time. Go back in time 400 years-or-so. Invent and build submarines and torpedoes. Lay-in-wait off the African coast with an armada of subs. When the first slave ships start moving off the coast toward the Americas, sink them. Keep sinking those ships until slave trade is permanently discouraged.

America is saved!
I think the only way to eliminate the two party system in America would be to convince people to vote for the candidate they think is best in an election, and not the candidate who is most likely to win of the political party whose stated goals are close to theirs. If enough people actually started doing this it would shake things up. If everyone voted for the PERSON they wanted to win and not the member of the PARTY they like who is most likely to win according to the media then maybe, just maybe things might be a bit different.

I don't see this happening. Too many people want to 'win' so much that they'd rather vote for a candidate they can barely stand than vote for the person who they actually believe should get the job because they don't want to take the chance that the candidate they hate might get elected.
But many elections have been lost by voting for the guy that doesn't enjoy popular support. They are typically fringe candidates for a good reason and you end up moving farther away from your goals. That's like a football team letting some player with some good moves but is too independent for teamwork run the ball. His few supporters can feel good about the valiant effort of their hero but the team loses.
The old Goldwater conundrum. A candidate who refuses to waver from his ideals rarely accomplishes anything while a candidate who compromises is rarely worth promoting.

I lean towards the first personally. Goldwater never got in the white house, but his efforts bore fruit later in the form of Reagan.
I think Jaser hit the nail on the head...
Was there one single flaw Ross Perot had that would have hindered his ability to run this nation? I seen none. he wanted to run this nation as a large CORPORATION... (that is my redneck way to describe it) I have always wanted to see this nation run as efficiently as a large business. Say another nation comes to us for financial help... Pres asks treasurer "How much we got in the coffers?" "Oh we are in the RED? Pres can tell leader of other nation... "Sorry bud but we are broke... can't help you..."
International monetary FUND? Ain't that equivalent as employees investment money? So you just want to GIVE it away? Why not invest it? WITH PROFITABLE RETURN? Okay so we see a nation in need, are they going to be able to repay the loan... WITH INTEREST? Okay so what is the collateral? How about their FLAG if nothing else? I could go on but I know it is just a redneck rant!
But I think I did a good job getting my notions "BEINSTAU I am just a simple redneck feller" out to all ya'll smarter folks!
Fixing America. According to some people on this site electing Obama will "fix" America. Further proof that this board is over run with trolls, and DUites. Due to the unequal enforcement of the posting rules in the L&P section I have lost all respect for this site. To bad.
Actually America will only be "fixed" when things have deteriorated to the point that people will no longer be concerned with what they will lose, then and only then will we see true patriots.
When the first slave ships start moving off the coast toward the Americas, sink them. Keep sinking those ships until slave trade is permanently discouraged.

Don't you mean: sink them as they first approach the African coast?

That way you'd completely preclude the salve trade and al of the ill effects of the civil war, while sparing the lives of millions of innocent African people.
Actually America will only be "fixed" when things have deteriorated to the point that people will no longer be concerned with what they will lose, then and only then will we see true patriots.

we have not hit that bottom yet.
Alleykat wrote:

This is an easy one! Study really hard in college. Invent a time machine that can go back in time. Go back in time 400 years-or-so.

Maybe add some quick changes to a few sections in the Bill of Rights so people don't play the semantics game! ;)
If you really want to fix America , I'd start by breaking up the media giants. Far too much information control in too few hands.