As it is now, all we have are mostly anti-gun liberals that control the media. They control, for the most part, what you hear and see. My suggestion is to pass a law that takes control of the media away from the few liberals who use that media to take away your second amendment gun rights and put that media in control of the people, all people. True freedom and equality of the press! That means you, me, the other guy, everyone, has some control and it keeps it out of the hands of the few liberals or the government. Our enemy is the media as they work to sway public opinion away from the right to bear arms and that is against the constitution. OK then, if they are going to do that then my suggestion is we threaten their rights while increasing ours. The media is always harping about equal rights so I say OK, let's have equal rights, lets have equal rights to media access so we can speak out against those who deny our second amendment rights. Media Equality gives everyone an equal voice, not just a voice to the few anti-gun liberals. This is an enhancement of our freedoms and gets back at the jerks who use their first amendment rights to deny us our second amendment rights. HEY! This is a battle for our ultimate rights and I think it is time to give the media some of its own medicine. Let's see how they like some of their freedoms restricted. The beauty of this suggestion is that it ENHANCES all our rights. What's wrong with that??

TRUE FREEDOM OF SPEECH THROUGH EQUALITY OF THE MEDIA!!!! Its time, boys, to champion this cause and eliminate our worst enemy......the liberal, anti-gun media and the few elites who control it. Even if it doesn't work it will make them stand up and take notice. Maybe they'll even start reporting fairly.

If you don't like this idea then read Tanya Metaksa's latest article at and let me know if you have a better idea?
actually i was think along these lines regarding campaign costs

what if tv networks had to donate x hours of prime tv time during presidential campaigns?

its for the country's sake!

then the president wouldn't have to take campaign donations from china

dZ, he wouldn't have to, but he still would. Remember, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
You're exactly right Frank. That's why we must find a way to reach the public with "our side" of the issue. What happened to shooting coverage on ESPN? Oh sure we get two one-hour shows a year... That's enough to get me to subscribe.... Ed Hubble is trying to get a satellite channel going 24hours/day 7 days/week strictly devoted to shooting sports. He manages to get a four hour show on Saturday nights broadcast on E-4 channel 9 (I'm not exactly sure of the channel number) from 6PM - 10 PM CDST. Johnny Roland also is working with him to get it going. I enjoy the heck outta it - tune in if you have a "big dish" satellite. It's in the clear. I've also found someone from our local "liberal" TV station who I'm working with to see if "our side" of the story can be reported whenever the liberal left BS about guns is broadcast. Heck, it seems that all that needs to happen is for "Bill Clinton said this morning that guns...ETC" and it gets broadcast all weekend on every "news" show. Man, it sure is frustrating. But anyway, support your favorite gun rights organization, contact your congressmen, and let's stand up for our RIGHTS.
Here is how, all the gun owners move to Arizona, declare a seperate nation... And create our own country.
All disidents will be taken to the boarder and dismissed as wussies.


I like that part.

Read "The Plan" by Stephen J. Cannell.

It's an excellent book about how the mob attempts to place "their" candidate in the White House. A former friend of the mob boss, along with the help of a former "spook" steal a mobile satelite transmission dish from a football stadium to uplink to the network's broadcast. They broadcast a pre-recorded message over the mob owned media network using the network's own dish exposing the presidential candidate for what he really is...a coward, and a mob asset.

Was a great book and a great "Plan".