How to dial 0.2 on my scope

MOA is fractional, no decimals. jmr40 is correct.

My question would be, why 0.2moa?
what distance are you shooting at?
How many inches are you trying to move it?
Each click should be .125 MOA. Two would be .25 MOA and is as close as you can get.
Correct. For what it's worth, being off by 0.05 MOA is unlikely to cause you problems.

Even at 500 yards, 0.05MOA error is only about a quarter of an inch. You'd have to go out to about 1910 yards before a 0.05MOA error amounted to an inch on the target.
If you understand why most scopes of a given make and model have a few percent spread in LOS angle change per click, you'll accept tiny errors.

The older Fecker, Lyman and Unertl externally adjusted target scope mounts could be spaced to be exactly like you want the click value to be. 7.200 inches made 4 clicks move the LOS angle exactly 1.000 inch per hundred yards
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