how to build a 50 dollar HK type sling for somewhat less than 50 dollars.

Andrew Wyatt

New member
for this project, you'll need:

five plastic 1 inch slides (strap adjusters)


one six to 7 foot length of 1 inch tubular nylon webbing

First off, you'll need to burn the ends of the webbing slightly so the webbing doesn't unravel.

then, thread everything through according to the drawing attached.

slide 1 is the muzzle end, and it keeps the sling attached to the front sling swivel.

slide two is an optional stop slide that keeps the tail end of the sling from sliding up too far.

slide three is the slide that attaches the tail end of the sling to the middle portion of the sling, and allos it to slide forward and back to adjust how much slack you have.

slide four is a stop to keep the sling from trying to cut you in half.

slide five is a what keeps the tail end of the sling attached to slide three.

I have this setup attached to my mossy right now, and it seems to work pretty well. the strap is slick, which allows it to move around, which is a good thing with this kind of sling, and it seems to retain the gun very well.


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The all up cost of this was about 5 bucks, and it seems to be working pretty good.

This all got started when I started looking for a good tactical sling for my mossy, since the m-16 sling on it wasn't very fast when i wanted to transition to pistol unless i dropped the gun on the ground, and i'd rather not leave a perfectly functional weapon on the ground for BG's to pick up.

After shopping around, I found like six different sling manufacturers with a suitable sling, but they all cost 50-60 dollars.
The cheapest of the bunch was the wilderness sling, but it was still expensive. what it did have was throughly detailed instructions on how to assemble their sling and mount it on a weapon, which i promptly used to assemble my own sling out of locally procured components for the LOW LOW LOW price of 5.95.

I'm probably going to make some and sell them with some sling rings i make as a kit for seven bucks or so.