How the Republic was lost !


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The Conversion of the United States through the application of
Grand Scale SociologicalEngineering by the Power Elite.

The title statement, "The conversion of the United States through the application of grand scale sociological engineering by the Power Elite" makes several statements of assumption which must be qualified and or defined in order to project direction and meaning to the discourse which follows. They are that 1; the U.S. is undergoing a conversion, 2; it is happening because a process is being implemented, 3; there is an immense mechanism,, and 4; a distinct group is the prime mover of this whole process.

There can be little doubt that the U.S. is changing and as any of us look at these changes we notice that the rate of change is increasing as we rush to regulate, tax, and intertwine nearly every aspect of our existence with some form of government control. It is only when the concept of "why" is evaluated that we begin to see pressures and processes being implemented as causial sociological events. These events, when evaluated with their source and their continuum of results, become a mechanism of conversion. Having found a mechanism in motion the natural process of discovery is to seek its source of momentum or power. As our statement has delineated a "Power Elite" we ask who are these Elite..."By the Power Elite, we refer to those political, economic, and military circles which as an intricate set of overlapping cliques share decisions having at least national consequences ... men of similar origin and education... social type, and world of celebrity, who operate in positions of interchangability in the three dominate institutional orders. The structure and mechanisms of their institutions determine the interrelationship of the Power Elite." (C.W. mills-1)

The American Power Elite are a little known co-mingled group of groups known by names such as The Council on Foreign Relations, The Tri-Lateral Commission, The Federal Reserve Board, and The Bilderberg Group. The members of these small organizations are loaned out to fill the positions of unelected power in our government., from the White House all the way down to the most distant of regulatory bodies. They fill 11 of 13 Cabinet positions, our Presidency, VicePresidency, the White House staff, our top military leaders, virtually all of the top media brass, and nearly all of the hugest of our military-industrial complex, not to mention a near stranglehold on our energy and money systems. (See chart 1) In "The Power Elite". Mills states "If the power to decide issues were absolutely monopolized by one small group, there would be no gradation of power. There would simply be this group in command, and below it the dominated masses." (C.W. Mills-2)

Having defined the orgin of our discourse, we ask what of this concept of the application of sociology as though it were a near physical science? Over Modern history men have studied the causial effects of man's interaction with fellow man and postulated and refined the various concepts we have been taught are the social paradigms of social structuralism, social conflict, and social interaction. In all these cases, these interrelated studies they are not considered mechanisms in their own right. They have generally been taught to all as descriptions of actions of other forces at work. We need to remove ourselves farther away to change our view, much as that first earthrise over the moonscape some 30 years ago, to see that our sociology may be a mechanism which can have its parts manipulated in order to serve or enhance a more powerful organism. In the past, we have seen the Church of Rome and the Church of England be used as instruments of social change to an unknowing mass. Likewise, we have used the need to civilize the American Native in order to make better use of our nation's resources. What was a recording of behavior on a macro scale has been refined and experiments played out in every day life, with failures and successes that have led from gains in power through recycling of that power into the application of these fundamental principles to order societal changes.

This recycling process has linked the continual gathering and centralizing of traditional power with the power to use sociological principles to engineer events of change. When viewed from the lofty bastians of power these sociological paradigms are seen to be mechanisms of force to be implemented and withdrawn as need be to control the progression of society(s), unexorably to the dominated control of the Power Elite. As decades have passed and their efforts have been generally unimpeded, we find these Power Elites poised for the hard push to close the circle of their power to totally encompass not only the underdeveloped or dominated cultures but the "Holy Grail" of cultures; the United States of America.

In their ever expanding realm of control they have reaffirmed their realigned goals of the Trilateral Commission, the capitalization of the Pacific Rim by using despots and pre-existing oligarchies for their close knit personal gain. Their current critical phase is the Resocialization of the United States. They would have us believe the necessity of competitive world markets that are only natural off-shoots of the capitalist system having won out on a world wide basis. The facts of course being that the Power Elite have successfully wrenched the means of attaining wealth from the industrialized United States to farm it out to less labor cost intensive despotic lands while continuing to collect the wealth this labor generates at hugely improved rates of return.

We have generally learned that power in our nation came from the leading families after the revolution, and their power grew as our nation prospered. This trend continued unabated with new families joining in as new successes from the needs of a young nation grew in number. The first epocal change in power came of course with the Civil War. A fierce political debate raged over the Southern States beginning to trade directly with England and France and effectively cutting off the Northern States from the source of wealth they had come to enjoy. The North successfully stigmatized the holding of slaves, which had been prosletized by "Yankee Clippers" ,while the southern states had rightly seen this as depriving them of property without due process or just compensation. After the war, in due course, the wealthy families of the north proceeded to amass great power at the expense of the south.

We may recognize this as the first resocialization in America, an outgrowth of a new more consolidated Federal Institutional Government. These powers progressed rapidly through the periods of corruption and influence peddling to the fulcrumatic event of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling of 1886 which gave corporations virtually the same rights as individuals. This could be seen as another epocal event of sociological change as these institutions gained the sociological equivalence of a sentient being but with the fundamental directive to amass wealth without conscience. This was the period that became known for the robber barons, who gained unfathomnable wealth in single lifetimes and later became philanthropists. Their philanthropy in the form of foundations library systems, colleges, and research and development companies evolved into what we have come to know as "Think Tanks"; The Rockerfeller Foundation, The Ford Foundation, The Carnegie Institute, The Mellon Institute and many others in more recent years. Some of these known to be liberal, others thought certainly very conservative, all considered to be serving all of mankind. But consider, if we were to desire great power wouldn't we need to be at the very forefront of knowledge, to be the very first to have new information in order that we may gain from it? Or even to be the first to know of competing theories or forces that might be detrimental to our accumulation of power and wealth.

"From even the most superficial examination of the history of the western society we learn that the power of decision makers is limited by the level of technique ... we also learn that there is a fairly straight line running upward through the history of the West, that the means of oppression and exploitation ... have been progressively enlarged and centralized ... and that those now in command have come into command of instruments of rule quite unsurpassed in the history of mankind." (C.W. Mills-3) How, we ask, are these instruments of rule applied in conjunction with our social paradignas. Some would say they are not, that rather fate controls man's history. What is the sociological meaning of fate? Again C.W. Mills states that the sociological meaning of fate is when the decisions are innumerable and each one is of small consequence, all of them add up in a way no man intended, to history is fate." (C.W. Mills-4) Upon consideration it is apparent to all but the most casual observer that the decisions of the men in power are potentially of great consequence, and are controlled from a very small group of men who sometimes are subject to another sociological process known as "group think"; that limited understanding of an issue due to group conformity. The Vietnam War, The Bay of Pigs in Cuba, and the recent flaps over the Whitewater investigation are examples which come to mind.

One of the most formidable tools of social engineering was originally acquired by a single member of the Power Elite that of course was the media, at the time only newspapers, by J.P. Morgan who in 1917, after asking the best and the brightest how America could avoid a foreign power from gaining control of the means to propagandize the American People, and was told it could be done if one acquired control of the nation's top twenty five newspapers,, proceeded to buy a controlling interest in and place a controlling editor on the board of those same twenty five newspapers by 1921. Since that black day, America's freedom of the press has been a continual slide into totally controlled information. The media has been used by itself and as support to fill a variety of sociological engineering functions, from forming popular opinion, to creating political environments friendly to the needs of the Power Elite, to our fundamental beliefs of family units. Don't forget its power to villify certain behaviors and even to give inanimate objects the persona of evil - i.e. guns. The media has been especially useful in fulfilling the divide and conquor concept. With our institutional focus on multiculturalism, with each group or ethnic faction has been seeking its own special and specific set of rights and privileges, all seeking to gain a portion of our resources, educational input and political clout. It is possible that we are witnessing the injection of the social conflict paradigm to prevent a collective focus on the drain of wealth from our nation by the Power Elite, until it is too late, wherein they will revert to and assert via the media the structural functionalism that supports their power base?

This then may be seen as a new Resocializing of the People of the United States. By controlling the selection of the President, Vice-President, and the top power brokers in our government, the Power Elite control the direction and policy of our nation. While using their influence in the regulatory agencies to ever tighten their control over our lives, they influence even our primary groups in relation to fundamental practice of belief systems. The huge ever burgeoning bureaucracies are foisted upon the unsuspecting public and in no time, have confirmed Max Webers classic reversal of roles of master and slave wherein the bureaucracies created to serve man have instantly become his masters. (Society-1) This conversion isn't necessarilly automatic; it too becomes controlled to a great degree by its creators who see it more as a means to assimilate a portion of the people into a permanent dependent class who must come in support of these bureaucracies to ellicit some portion of their existence.

The Power Elite, having gained significant controls in recent years have come upon another epocal sociological time when they must create the force of momentum in all facets of our social structure to close the circle and gain virtual control of the people of the United States. But this is also a critical time because just as a balloon is filled with air, the pressure to escape it will continue to void itself of all control, the will of the People once turned against the Power Elite will not allow itself to be contained without great effort. In this critical time the Power Elite have exaserbated their control over Americas means of creating wealth by transporting it to countries whose people are controlled by despots or to existing oligarchies where they can maximize wealth with little or no risk. More and more you see multinational corporations who have no factories. They contract the supply, manufacturing, and distribution of products without ever being involved from other than a supervisory and financial aspect.

This is bringing dramatic effect to America as factories close, support businesses close and all the workers lose their means of gaining income and ultimately in many cases lose their property too. The effect of this disparity is adding to the crime in the U.S. as depressed and desperate people seek a means to derive income from a collapsing source. These events play into the conversion of property into the hands of the Elite controlled government through increasingly degrading erosion of personal rights in the form of crime legislation and civil forfeiture laws. In looking at these events we see how deviance labeling by structuralists purveyed in the media serves to prevent conflict from controlling events in some instances, while the media promotes conflict in areas where it seems to serve to break down mores and strong conservative beliefs that work against the Power Elite in others. We look to toward the concept of rationalization and ask how has it let us down from the time when fact and science taught us it worked, to look more to the future, now fails because our science is not good? Or is it because the facts which are purported are only propaganda?

As we think of science we must remember that it is based on sound principles, what has worked will continue to work and can be applied in new ways for future benefit. So too, our societal principles set forth by our founding fathers were based on sound principles that are as true today as they were then. Consider George Washington's statement to the Continental Congress at it's opening, "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence - it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." And the words of Thomas Jefferson during the ratification process when he said "In question of power, then, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." Consider especially that in all the media, and speeches, and even in our textbooks we constantly hear the term "democracy" when describing our government and in describing the desired form of freedom for the new world order, but be not fooled by this social engineering. Democracy is the rule of 51%, leaving nothing-For the 49%. Our government is supposed to be a Republic, which protects the minority from the whims of the majority. Since the Power Elite can control the majority, they are not interested in a Republic.

As we ponder how the Power Elite have ensnared us in their web of social constructions, consider this quote from one of our contemperaries, Mr Gerry Spence, a lawyer from Jackson Hole Wyoming, ...

"Power wielded without conscience is as dangerous as a gun in the hands of a lunatic, and to glorify profit making as a sacred right that drifts down upon the affluent, to sanctify the wresting of the last of the workers creativity and zest for life in the holy name of gain, is the ultimate dementia of the privileged.".......


C.W. mills- 1

Mills, C. Wright, The Power Elite, Pg 18, Oxford Press, N.Y.

Chart -1
Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate, J. Stewart,Founder
The CFR/Trilateral/New World order Connection
C.W. Mills- 2 Ibid.

C.W. Mills- 3 Pg 23

C.W. Mills- 4 Pg 21

Society- 1
Macionis, John J.
Society, The Basics, Pg 110, Prentice Hall, N.J.

G. Spence- 1
Spence, Gerry And Justice For None

Wriiten By Menos

A note about the author:

Menos is decended from Historian George Bancroft who wrote THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, who served as the Secretary of the Navy , and who was a co-founder of the US Naval Academy.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Anybody reading this? A Hoo Rah or a Phzzzz! would be apreciated in response ......

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?