How the recoil?


New member
Ive never shot a shotgun so Im wondering what to expect as far as recoil goes with a 12 guage (mossberg 590A1 to be exact) shotgun with slugs or some high recoil shot. How would it compare to a remmington model 700 PSS chambered in 308?
Rough guesstimate would be twice the recoil, based on my 870 vs my Winchester 30-06. So many other factors come into play that it is impossible to say. When I shoot the shotgun at the range, firing at paper, it kicks a lot harder with #8 shot than it does when I shoot the same loads at clays. Sounds strange, but that's the way it feels. Slugs seem to have less kick than high brass #5's at the range. I think it is because they make big holes in the paper, and those big holes are kind neat to see, takes the mind off the recoil I guess. What you wear also has a lot to do with it. A jacket or a coat soaks up a lot of feel, vs a T-shirt. Borrow a shotgun and try it is the only real advice I can give. Muzzle blast is more of a problem than recoil, IMHO. My 870 kicks a lot harder inside than it does outside.

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Shotguns do have some considerable recoil, however, you can counter this with a rubber butt pad which I recommend if you enjoy shooting your shotgun with some consistency. Also, proper stance and buttstock placement on the shoulder dampens "felt-recoil". Longer barreled shotguns such as the Mosseberg M590A1 with the 20" barrel do soak up recoil and muzzel blast. Another option is porting the barrel. A number of companies such as Mag-na Porting and Vang Comp Inc. sell or port your shotgun barrel.. Give them a try, they do work but the down fall is they are some what pricey. As far as relating shotgun recoil with a high-powered rifle I would say that shotguns have a heavy, punching recoil. Rifles usually have a sharper "cracking" recoil, faster feeling.
Yeah, kinda like .45 ACP versus 9mm Parabellum recoil, right?


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
A little more????? I think you will be surprised by the noise and the kick the first time you shoot one, after that, you will not be able to tell alot of difference if you shoot truely high powered rifles. (no .223 wussy guns) And lets please not drag the .45 vs. 9mm into this, we all already know the .45 is far superior, itss like comparing a 12 guage and a .410!;-}

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
Well, dredging numbers from the sludge pit of my fevered memory, I recall that the recoil force comparison between a 12-gauge and an '06 is some 46 lbs vs. 28 lbs, respectively.

In shooting at coyotes or deer with a rifle or at doves/quail with a shotgun, I have never noticed either noise or recoil. Off a benchrest or while patterning, it's a "whole 'nother story".

A lot of the recoil from shotguns can be countered by properly mounting the gun, Shotguns are designed to be shot with the butt of the gun in the shoulder pocket with the entire butt in contact with the shoulder. Too many shooters try to hold the shotgun like a rifle and only have a part of the butt in contact with the shoulder. The gun should be brought up to the shoulder and the shoulder slightly rolled into the butt with the cheek resting on the comb. Rifles are held differently.

The shotgun stance is also different, the feet should be shoulder width apart, with the weak side foot pointed in the direction of the target and the following food at a 45 degree angle. You should also slightly lean into the gun with the "Nose over the toes"( nose over the weak side toes) rather than standing rigidly erect. This position will allow flexibility and absorb recoil.

Go to a sporting clays or skeet range and observe how the shooters stand and hold the gun. Too many people who are familiar with rifles hold the shotgun the same way and get the poop kicked out of them.

A properly fitted shotgun will kick very little, most shotgunners spend money to get their guns fitted to shoot properly.

Geoff Ross
I agree with K80Geoff about the stance being important. I was out shooting my Rem 870P today after my AR, and I only noticed a little difference between the two. The 870 recoil seem a little heavier but wasn't bad. Maybe because my shoulder was already trashed, but I changed my stance so I was really leaning into the shotgun. My lead leg sightly bent, and my rear foot supported up on the ball of the foot (for swivelling capabilities) Being in a forward position soaks up most of the body shock. This works real well, and I'm a lean guy (5'8" 135)

On the side, I let my roommate (5'11" 180) fire a shotgun for the first time, and didn't tell him how to position his stance - because I'm evil sometimes ;) Anyways he had his body upright like shooting a rifle and his legs almost square. I'll tell you when he pulled the trigger his right shoulder flew back 90 degrees and he had a huge red spot on his shoulder (wasn't holding it tight) He was scared of the thing... and I was rolling :)

[This message has been edited by mic007tfp (edited August 27, 1999).]
Blitz, As stated above, in field conditions recoil is negligable. Off the bench or on the pattern board... beware.
Most compitition shot guns have a "straight" stock..... the cheek piece is level with your line of recoil. This alows the cheek piece to slide along side or under your cheek bone during recoil. Field guns have a cheek piece that drops to the shoulder. Recoil then slides the cheek piece rearward with an UPWARD thrust INTO your cheek bone. And it can & will bite you. Alas, there is a solution for tolerating the heavy stuff off the bench. Use talcom or baby powder on your cheek AND buy a strap-on PAST brand recoil pad.You have to try one to believe it. It's absoulutely amazing how that thin piece of material can absorb so much recoil. They're made in right, left, & women styles. If you're real, real recoil shy, try wearing the PAST pad in the field or in compitition. They are not uncomfortable or bulky. Oh, the womens style fits onto & under the bra. strap ;)

Ralph in In.
With a name like blitzkrieg what's a little recoil. Try tactical buck or low recoil slug for defence if you shoot pump or gas gun.
ive never had any real problems with recoil on any of my pump guns littel bit with 3 in buck and slugs ect the only thing i have that kickes is my nef 12 ga singel 2 3/4 3 in dont matter that thing kickes like a mule

Damn you guys found an old one, Aug 23rd :)

Well I have yet too shoot a shotgun but will be getting an 590A1 this weekend but I certainly am not afraid of recoil (actually like it :).