How serious is hog hunting in your area?

Old Stony

New member

This bus belongs to a small town near me. They have a Feral Hog celebration every year.....and even crown a lady as Miss Feral Hog. Now that's something to be proud of ( I think?)
A couple of towns over, in Sabinal TX, there is the annual wild hog festival. It's their local annual festival. Additionally, these animals are pests but and I try to kill them often but I don't know what I'd do with myself if we ever ran out of them.
If I go north, south, east, or west there is potential for feral hog hunting, but I have never seen one around here. Not quite enough water or large farms to appeal to them, but i'm sure sooner or later the gaps will close and they will become a problem here. When that happens I will hunt them

I'm getting into bow making, and at some point I will probably find myself stalking them with a wooden bow and arrow I made with my own hands.

If I lived somewhere with a lot of them it would be a large part of my diet. I would hunt them often. Pork is delicious, and I would like how much more natural their lives and diets are compared to commercially raised pork.
Some guys around here are so serious about it, they won't even shoot little ones like the one in your picture. :D
alex0535 said:
If I lived somewhere with a lot of them it would be a large part of my diet. I would hunt them often. Pork is delicious,

While I agree that some pork is delicious, it's dependent mainly on what the hog has been eating. The hogs on our deer lease eat a lot of pine cones, and they taste like turpentine. The flavor is so strong that even my wife, who doesn't hunt, told me "If you shoot one of those piney-woods rooters, leave him in the woods. Don't bring him here." About the only way to make those pigs edible is to trap them and put them on good feed for 30 days before slaughtering.

As much as I love pork, the hogs on our lease are simply inedible. When we shoot one, we drag them off for the coyotes.
I only hate two things in this world, other things just annoy me. The two things I hate are my ex-wife and feral pigs and I'd sleep with that crazy frigid woman before I'd show a pig any quarter.

Turning 2 packs of hounds on them Saturday. Knives and briar britches and revolvers will be the tools of the day. I'm hoping for carnage.
Wild boars (as we call them) are few and far between in my part of Ohio. There are places in the state and national forests where they live. There are some southern counties with decent wild pig populations. However the locations of hogs are usually kept secret because nobody wants to give up THEIR hunting spot. Many people are funny about wild boars, it's like they want them to come. People ignore how much damage they will do, focusing on how much fun they think it will be to hunt them.
People ignore how much damage they will do, focusing on how much fun they think it will be to hunt them.

Around here we have a philosophy about property.

You have land with hogs and land that is going to have hogs. There is no other type of land.
Don't have wild pig here to hunt. Wouldn't mind hunting one for the purpose of barbequing on a Saturday /Sunday afternoon. Yup!!_ a chop or two to see how those wild one's taste would be interesting to experience. But as far having wild roaming Feral pig in this State. According to other Members here its a Blessing we don't. So until we do its> Hello Costco!! or Sam's for my pork-chops.
Ya know...I'm with Tipsy. I say I hate wild hogs, but if I never had any of them at all on this place I'd be bored silly. I like shooting coyotes, but I can shoot more pigs than I can coyotes, and I can eat the pigs. They taste great here in central Texas.
We have them around here but I don't know anybody that hunts them. I grew up 100 miles from here and hog hunting is very popular there. Here there are no farms and the property I hunt has too much heavy undergrowth for hog hunting or any other kind of hunting. I see signs of them from time to time but I have never seen one.
Supposedly there feral pigs around the southern Oregon boarder but damn few anywhere else in the state. I've never seen one and I don't expect to either...

If I could afford it, I'd fly to OK and hunt pig with my cousins there...

not a huge apart of them here, down south in Sweden they can do big driven type hunts

not as many here and bigger leases, we hunt them mostly with baying dogs or bait them.

I get to do some baiting at some potatofields they love to trash.

as a semi-professional hunter for the municipallity I have to hunt ones involved in traffic collisions, not fun at all, mean angry and often at night
I think there was only one in Maine and that one escaped from a wildlife park in Newport. It showed up in my sister's neighborhood. Her husband called the Chief of Police, whom he knew. He said, "You'll never guess what's on my neighbor's lawn." The Chief said, "Wild boar, right?"

He almost fell over!
haha, that's serious right there.
there are thankfully no wild pigs out here. my brother once plotted to release a pregnant pig so that in a couple years there would be enough pigs to have something to hunt year round...

... now that I'm raising a pair for food I can honestly say that I would never in good conscience release even a neutered pig into the wild where they can destroy everything, and would likely thrash any person that did.