How Pres. Bush can create Senate majority...


I may be jumping ahead a few steps, but...
In the interest of bi-partisan cooperation, Geo W. should appoint a couple democrat cabinet members - Senators from states with republican governors. The governors, in turn, would appoint republicans to fill the senate vacancies. Of course, if the appointee declined the job, could be accused putting "partisan interests" above service to country. Hey, turnabout is fair play, right?
Hammer-I highly suggest that you e-mail Rush Limbaugh with that idea. And G.W.'s official website. That is the best idea I've heard so far.

A Democratic Senator from Louisana is a possible appointment. Dubya is way ahead of us.

(NY has a Republican Governor *shudder*)
How Would It Play Out??

Great Idea!
Down side? Is there a Demo senator whom we would want in a cabinet??
John Breaux, Democrat from Louisiana, has been named as a possible aisle crosser. There are likely more who are fed up with Algore who would change without becoming cabinet.

Does a cabinet member have to be confirmed by the senate?
Republican Governor???

Noo Yawk has a republican governor? Sure could fool me. He better hope for a cabinet appointment as he won't get reelected !

Maybee we could make Schumer ambassador to Uganda or some other neat place. Or make him secretary of education and then do away with the department:)

Geoff Ross
I think David W is alluding to...

Hillary Clinton could be appointed to some dead end position like Hud which would effectively kill her career. Brilliant idea. :D
IIRC, cabinet members do have to be approved by the Senate. Seems to me that this is why it is customary to have a member or two of the opposing political party somewhere in the president's cabinet. It helps the approval process go through relatively smoothly. Grease for the wheels, as it were.
It's definitely not customary to have members of the opposing party in the cabinet. As for nominating dem. Senators to cabinet appointments, it's already been discussed and planned. It's a win win situation. Bush nominates them and they accept and are confirmed, then the Senate is ours. Bush nominates them and refuses, he gets the credit for reaching across party lines and they lose for being partisan.

I have to admit, the idea of Lieberman having a Cabinet position of some type appeals to me greatly. Neutralize him now and in 2004.