How old to buy handgun in CA?


How old do you have to be to buy a handgun in CA? How about a shotgun? I'm 17 and plan on purchasing both as soon as legally possible.

Roadkill: Join the military and become an SP or MP. This way, you can fire and carry a fully auto M16 and have a 9mm as a sidearm. If you're an MP (Army), then you can fire gernade lanchers, fire fully auto M-60's, the whole nine yards... Oh, that wasn't the question.. You can "use" the guns mentioned above but until your 18 (longarm) or 21 (handgun) you can't be trusted with them.


*Side Note: 18 Year Olds (to 20 Year Olds) are stupid as hell. They have the "Right" to vote but they are still considered "kids" by the government. They scream about not being able to own guns or drink but they don't go to the polls to force the guberment to consider them adults with all the Rights that every America has. As far as I am concerned, you are an American as soon as you're born here (or gain citizenship) and you should be afforded your FULL Rights at that time. I don't care if you're five years old, you got the cash to walk into a store and buy a six pack, a pack of ciggs, a few cigars for the next meeting with your girlfriend, and a gun.. that is your RIGHT to do so.