How old is too old


New member
Having recently rediscovered my passion for firearms, I've also discovered that the last fifteen years have gone by in a flash. I'll be in my thirties only for a few more weeks. Realistically, at forty what are the chances of profiting from joining USPSA or IDPA competitions, in order to improve my shooting skills?

Thanks for any suggestion, and double thanks for any encouragement...
I am 55 and compete successfully in IDPA. I finished eighth overall in the 1999 IDPA Nationals barely edging out another shooter for High Senior. IDPA is a little less physical than IPSC but a young pup like you should still be able to do fine. :) Ken Tapp is in his 60's and still shoots. Many of the top IDPA shooters are in their 40's and 50's. I think many of the top IPSC shooters are also in their 40's.
I shoot with a couple of guys that are retired. They tend to shoot the pants off of us young guys since they have so much more time to practice.
I didn't start shooting pistols in competition until I was about 35. IDPA is not a physical game. You still need to be able to kneel and move quickly for short distances but you don't need to be an athlete to be a winner. I'm about 20 pounds overweight and my knees creak when they bend. Tylenol helps with that. :D

USPSA will take more athletic ability but not enough to prevent you from starting. I used to shoot USPSA before all the clubs in my area switched to IDPA. You can be competitive for less money in IDPA but both are fun.

Another possibility is SASS or Cowboy shooting. That takes more money to start but they have a higher percentage of older shooters.

I would see which sport has clubs in your area and just start. I am 55 now and plan to have at least 10 more years before I slow down enough to be a legend instead of a winner. :cool: Now get out there and start shooting. You're not getting any younger ya know. ;)

You'd probably be suprised at how may IPSC competitors are your age or older. The sport is (make that can be) expensive enough that younger people usually don't have the money and time for it. I started at your age and had a B card in a little over a year.

One thing though. Don't persue IPSC or IDPA for the reason of improving your shooting skills. Do it because it's fun. That your shooting skills improve is a bonus.
I was 46 when I shot my first competition event eleven years ago. That was a local club pin shoot. My hands were shaking so bad I could hardly load my pistol.
Last year I shot in the Ohio State IDPA match. I think I came in 41st overall. But I SHOT!
Next week I'm shooting in the TDI Invitational in West Union, Ohio and again in the state match at Youngstown in June. Just go out and do it. There will be a great group of shooters and you will have fun and learn things.
You are never too old to have fun and learn.
Neil Casper
How Old is too Old?!

Can you still handle the gun without everyone running for cover? Then it's IPSC time. I'm 49 in a few days and just returned from the Shirley Skinner Make-A-Wish benefit match in Waco Texas. There were numerous seniors competing -- one that comes to mind is in his 70s [upper, I suspect] and finished in the top third of almost 200 shooters.

I am hooked on the sport. I started shooting IPSC about a year and a half ago with my -- then 14 year old son.
Top shooter in my (over 100 member) USPSA club is a senior.

Age is NOT relevant; training and thinking are relevant.

I,too, didn't start until my 40's.......

GO JOIN!!!!! It's so much fun!
I started shooting a handgun in high school, then competed in PPC through college and shot NRA Action Pistol the first two years after it started up. Then I lost my interest in competition shooting and just stopped shooting for perhaps 10-12 years. I started again last summer in USPSA and IDPA by learning how to shoot a 1911 style pistol instead of a revolver. Oh, I suppose I should mention that I am 45 years old. I look at it this way, I have six years to practice and improve for the senior division. You have 12 years to get ready and I am envious.
I just shot my first IDPA match yesterday and I'm 40. Didn't do too bad -- came in 26 out of 35. I was deliberately taking it slowly. Still messed up on some rules though. Live and learn.

I started shooting IPSC when I was 37, and at 40 I'm still having a blast. Shot yesterday with a 75yo WWII/Korea/Nam vet who has to sit between stages to catch his breath, but he moves pretty good when the buzzer goes off!
I didn't even pick up a gun until I was about 44 - that was about 4 years ago. I've been shooting IDPA since it started here in central Florida and have classified Expert in two of the four Divisions (CDP and SSP). Go for it!
How old is too old?

I'm 47...won my first big match at age 45...Ken Tapp cleaned the NRA Bianchi Cup at age 66. When ever I see him I tell him that he's my hero, and when I grow up I want to be just like him!

So, come on out and shoot...and remember:

"Once your over the hill, you'll just pick up speed!"

It really depends on what you want to do ! Actually age has little to do with anything. It's really a matter of what DO YOU want to do it ? Within IDPA you shoot within class based on your ability and gun type. SO, you can never be to good or to bad. I'm 45, and have shot a little IDPA on and off for 3 years, this is the first year I've really been sticking with it. My problem is I'm lazy, I want to shoot IDPA but just can't get my ass moving, till the last 6 months. It also helps when you get to know a few people, and see they are good people, and they keep me coming.

Your profit is really the fun that comes from shooting, and you will see your ability improve also. How good you can become depends on a lot of things. I know I will not reach master level, not even a concern on my part. But shooting IDPA has simply improved my shooting, and the related pressure and thinking required to properly execute a stage while being timed is of value also.
I will shoot my first IDPA "Classifier" Sunday at Columbia, MO. I'm 54! I've shot pistols all my life, but except for a couple of "Cowboy Shoots", I've never competed. I'm not looking to becoming a "Topgun", just to have fun with some real nice folks. Wish me luck!!;)
too old?

You are not too old I promise you. I shoot IPSC in Florida and there is a guy named Ronnie Elrod who shoots in SuperSenior. No one knows how old Ronnie is, but everyone thinks he's around 60 or so and he whips the snot out of everyone!!!!! And I mean almost everyone. He has done this for about 15 years and hardly anyone can catch him. On a rare occasion, someone will catch him but I assure you, you are not too old. This is for fun anyway.
