How old for SBS?

I had my first NFA around that age - but on a Form 1. If you fill out a Form 1 for yourself, you can make a SBS, SBR, AOW, DD, or silencer at 18. :)
Hkmp5sd said:
You must be 21 for any NFA item, including SBS.

While you are correct for Form 4s, I have three approved Form 1s with a date before my 21st birthday, and with "are you 21 years of age" checked "NO". :)
You have to be 21 to buy a NFA item. You can form a corporation or a living trust (generally need a laywer) and it seems that entity can buy NFA items regardless of age.
18 to make NFA on form 1 or to buy any NFA from an individual in your own state. 21 only applies to buying from a dealer.

Any other answer is incorrect.

You are indeed incorrect. I'll dig up the letter from the BATFE to that effect. I'll try to post it in the next day or two. :)
Cause that's what they want you to think, goto a std. guns show 75% of the attendees will thing a sawed off shotgun is illegal.

Life changes after you take the red pill.
Cause that's what they want you to think, goto a std. guns show 75% of the attendees will thing a sawed off shotgun is illegal.

Life changes after you take the red pill.
There was a thread on this subject on If it's a Form 1, you can be 18. A Form 4, you have to be 21.

Yes it sounds stupid. Just like how you have to be 21 to buy 9mm ammo for a Glock 17, but 18 to buy 9mm ammo for a Sub-2000.
If it's a Form 1, you can be 18. A Form 4 from a dealer purchase, you have to be 21.

Fixed it for you. A person-to-person in-state transfer of NFA items on Form 4s can be done at 18. :)