How Often Should You Clean an M1A's Gas System? System?

There's some debate on this matter.

Now, some folks have all the add ons with the extra lug with which they can torque down the stock to the receiver. These type of shooters may disassemble the gun prior to the match and then torque everything down. To them, it ensures that the gun will be consistently torqued at the start of the match.

There is another school of thought which is to leave the gun the way it is. This is especially true if your gun isn't lugged. A problem arises if the gun is disassembled often since this will wear out the tightness of the bedding. These folks will shoot the gun for a whole year before they detail strip and clean it. To compensate for it they use extra heavy duty grease (like auto bearing) for the op rod spring, spring guide & surface contact points. As a match gun, the M14 is a high maintenance rifle and has been the bane to many armorers. Hence, the "once a year" approach.

Hope I haven't confused you too much.
I've always cleaned my M1A's gas system after approximately 500 rounds. A good way to tell if the carbon is building up is to cock the bolt, lock it back, and tip the rifle heel to toe. The gas piston should slide freely. if it drags, it's time to clean it.
It is also a good idea to mark the plug so you can index it after cleaning. Believe it or not, different torque pressures on the plug can change your zero's.
Every 500 rounds is a good rule of thumb. Even then it might not need it. Rokchukrslave is absolutely right about the torque. If you start to have problems with a wandering zero chances are your gas plug is coming loose

Gary, why would you take the action out of the stock to clean the gas system? The piston comes out easily without the need to even remove anything but the gas plug. -- Kernel