How Not to do it

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Our local meat locker used a 9mm to the forehead to kill cattle ..... my grandfather used a feed sack, a 5 pound sledghammer, and a knife ......

As docile as that bull appeared in the pictures, I don't see why one round would not have been all that was necessary.
jimbob86 said:
I don't see why one round would not have been all that was necessary.

I don't see why any rounds were necessary. :mad:

When I lived in Dallas some years ago, an 18-wheeler jackknifed on I-35 as it passed through downtown. A passel of cattle escaped onto the highway and held up traffic, but all the cattle were rounded up with no shots fired.
I imagine there is dearth of cowboys in Hesse, Mr. Borland.

I lived in Germany for some years ..... it is a country that ..... well, under normal circumstances, everything runs like a well oiled machine, and everyone is (and is expected to be) an expert in their own (narrow) field ...... traffic emergencies are the bailiwick of the Polezei, and they are known to be rather direct in their solutions to problems: whatever clears the roadway the fastest...... 6 bullets? 26 bullets? Machts Nichts, either is faster than looking around for a "cowboy", or even the owner of the animal. If the owner of the animal was on his job, the animal would not have been in traffic in the first place. Doubtless the owner will get a bill for the emergency response, incuding paying for the ammo used, and the disposal of the dead animal (no, they can't, by law, salvage it: it was not inspected by the vet and killed in an inspected, licensed facility)......
Immaterial Machts Nichts, cowboys and owner carelessness aside, I seriously doubt that stunt would fly in this country. Nor should it, IMO.
This country does not have Autobahns that I know of. Even at 70 MPH, somebody will probably be dead. It looks as if it is a situation that just kind of snowballed. The bull already had a couple 9's in it, now something had to be done quick.
Immaterial Machts Nichts, cowboys and owner carelessness aside, I seriously doubt that stunt would fly in this country. Nor should it, IMO.

Happens more than you would think.... it was not all that long ago that Omaha PD gunned down an escapee from the stackyards after cornering it in an alley ..... they used shotguns with a mix of buckshot and slugs, as I recall ...... 2004 I think .....

This just recently:

and this, in Minnesota:

This in England, in May:

and that's with just about 5 minutes of looking .....
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There have actually been three escapees in Pocatello, Idaho, in the last two years. (jimbob86's first link is the first of those escapees.)
Two were killed in neighborhoods. The third had a quicker response from the slaughterhouse, and headed for a more industrial area where it posed less of a "threat." (As threatening as a hungry, road-weary, 'retiring' dairy cow can be, on its way to slaughter. :rolleyes:)

More recently, a reason for police to be more German and NOT wait around for the owner to arrive was exemplified in West-Central Idaho. A rancher was killed while attempting to put down his escaped bull that was hit on I-95, which two on-scene Idaho State Police deputies had asked him to handle. The deputies had already shot it several times, but the bull seemed unphased.

The best version of the events, to date, are roughly:
Yantis (the rancher) sent a family member to retrieve his rifle, while he remained on-scene. They returned shortly, and handed it to him in front of the deputies. When Yantis positioned himself for the kill and raised his rifle (.204 Ruger) to put a bullet through the bull's brain, a deputy grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. In the process, Yantis discharged the rifle into the ground at the deputy's feet (causing minor injuries).
In response, both deputies opened fire...
This and the other articles just demonstrate what baffoons some of the police officers actually are. The bull in Germany was just wanting it's head scratched. All that was needed was a bit of sweet corn in a bucket and a rope to walk that bull to a safe place where it could be loaded up. When I watch the German video I see an idiot of an officer that does not even make sure that he has a clear line of fire to his target (the bull) and beyond as it looks like he is using a vehicle as a backstop.
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