How much speed matters?


New member
Just got back from the range today and ran some El-Presedente's with 2 different pistols. How much of a difference in speed (draws / re-loads / splits) would make you swap carry guns? They both gave about the same accuracy. I have left out the guns because I don't want this to be a brand or action type thing.

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never miss!
With accuracy being equal, I would opt for the faster gun even if it were only marginally faster and even if I had to give up magazine capacity. I've actually done it! I used to carry a Beretta Centurion and swapped for the 1911. Statistics say that real world gunfights happen quickly, at close range and few rounds are fired.

Better speed with equal accuracy usually means better ergonomics for THAT shooter, but it isn't always the same for all shooters. A carry piece HAS to work with the shooter on "auto-pilot". The one you handle fastest during practice, assuming it's consistently faster, is probably the one that "fits" you best and would most likely be the one that you would want if your life depended on it.

As always, just my opinion...
