How much should I expect to pay for a used 686?


I have been looking into buying my first handgun recently, and I put the word out to a local dealer that I was looking for a GP-100 or a 686. He just called me about a heavey frame S&W he is getting in soon. I am going to check it out early next week, but I am not sure how much I should expect to pay (assuming it is in good condition and I decide I want to buy it).

Any advice?

People sell their 686s? Look at the guts of the gun...have a smithy look it over. Check timing, barrel lngth (that matters in pricing), if it the Distinguished Combat model, what dash make it is (eg mine is newer, a 686-6), and blah blah blah. None of the above matters.
Mechanically make sure its sound, see if u cant fired it, and check the Blue Book (take a peek in it when youre in Barnes and Noble (:D I have no shame! haha). Just make sure ur happy and dive in. U'll love the gun!
Semper Fi!
I'm just about to write a range report on my SW 686, 2 1/2" barrel. I would assume since you asked for a 686 your dealer is referring to an 'L' frame when he says heavy frame S&W???

Anyway my 686 and GP-100 (3") shoot with the same accuracy in SA. That's where it ends for my Ruger, because my 686, has the best DA trigger I have ever experienced to date. For that reason, it is now my night stand gun with two auto loaders to keep it company...Good Luck...:)

Sorry I forgot you main question. The price of used depends upon condition and demand for the particular model. I recently purchased a Like New In Box 686, 6" barrel for $495.00. Right now I wouldn't sell my 2 1/2" for anything. So a good price on the Internet and in my neck of the woods $450.00 to $550.00...