Reassembly of the 1911-type pistol receiver.
The following is furnished for your convenience. I'd be interested to know at which point you had a lot of difficulty with hammer installation. Begins with a completely disassembled receiver.
1. Slide in trigger
2. Put in mag catch. Hold in partly-depressed position and turn the little latch to release spring.
3. Put sear and disconnector together in proper relationship. (The sear with the two legs downward, belly of the curve forward.) Round end of disconnector uppermost, with bottom flat side forward. Place this sub-assembly in place. A pair of needle nose pliers or hemostats really helps but not necessary.
4. Place the narrower sear pin in from left side to hold above in place.
5. Put in hammer/strut assembly and insert larger, hammer, pin from the left.
6. Make sure the hammer is all the way forward. Flip the hammer strut upward, out of the way, and install the three-leaf flat sear spring. Make sure it seats with the hooked end on bottom in the transverse cut in the receiver.
7. Holding above flat spring in place, insert mainspring housing partway, to hold the flat spring in place.
8. Put grip safety into place. Again, make sure the hammer is forward.
9. Slide housing into place. It should go all the way up. If not, press against workbench to make it flush with bottom of receiver.
10. Insert mainspring housing retaining pin the press into place. You may meet some resistance, and possibly need a pin punch.
11. Insert safety axis pin, holding the grio safety in proper relationship. Work safety lug into receiver cut while moving safety up and down. You may need a thin tool to press the safety plunger forward into its tube to allow this.
This should take care of the receiver. If you have a stock Kimber, it probably has the full length guide rod. The spirit of John M. Browning will punish you by making this part of the reassembly very difficult.