How much does it weigh?

Old Stony

New member

Shot this girl in the rain last night, and was just trying out a new scale I picked up at a swap meet. Anybody want to take a guess at it's weight?

After some dragging it through the sand a little, I would have guessed more myself, but it only hit 180 exactly. She was very pregnant and seemed a lot heavier to me. By the time I get around to making chili out of her, I'll probably put on a few lbs. more myself!
IbMikey..... You should get down here and I'll get you dragging some around too! Doubt you will like my Chili, but we can find something to feed you.
Prego...........that would explain that other 30 lbs.LOL

Thanks for doing this.I am always amazed at how many people I have hunted with over estimate pig weights.Had a guy on a hunt with me a couple years that missed the first pig at 50 yards.After some talking I found out he had just won the Ruger #1 he was sporting,picked it up the day before.He also informed me that this gun was more than ready to go.........he paid them to bore sight it prior to pick up.The first round ever through this gun was a miss on a nice 200lb'r.AFTER A RANGE VISIT he shot a young 120 lb boar at just under a hundred yards.We drug it about 30 yards to the pickup,field dressed it,loaded it then took it to the house and skinned and quartered it.After icing it down his buddy from Dallas calls and this is what I overheard........"got me a nice boar....pause......yea at least 250 lbs field dressed".I never said a word til he drove away........"Damn City Slicker"
I've seen hog's weights estimated all over the place. Sometimes even us guys that have dealt with a lot of them can be off quite a bit. Our hog movement around this area is pretty slow right now, but once it picks up again we can do some more experimenting maybe..
Interesting article, but I don't think it would relate well to a sow laying on the ground with her lungs blown apart. I'm sure someone could probably come up with something to work under that condition though.