How much defensive handgun training is ideal for a carry permit?

dent guy

New member
I've been shooting for years, and this next year I want to get my carry permit. I've always thought that I've been pretty good with a gun, but I am wondering if I should be well trained to be effective in a confrontation.

[This message has been edited by dent guy (edited December 13, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by dent guy (edited December 13, 1999).]
It's not required for any of the permits I have. But, unless you have been seriously shooting for a while, I strongly suggest taking a couple of short courses beforehand. This way when you take the CCW course and shoot for record, you're focusing on the course content and not on basic shooting techniques.
I would recomend that if you don't already know how to shoot, that you take an NRA handgun class. Contact NRA member services at (800)NRA-3888. (This number is on the back of your NRA membership card. If you don't have one,GET ONE :)) Ask them about classes in your area. Depending on your state, this course may satisfy the requirements for your CCW. Anyway, they will point you in the right direction.
As far as applicable to my locality, In securing the permit to carry, someone prove to be worth of having it i.e. no deregatory records, having all the Police, Fiscal, NBI (FBI) as pre-requisites asked by the Firearms and Explosives Division and of course you can show that you have good financial or work status.

Your second Question.
....."but I am wondering if I should be well trained to be effective in a confrontation".

It is yourself that can determined how good you are in a real encounter.

As far as to my experienced in facing life and death in front of muzzles aimed at me, presense of mind and alertness is necessary and you are ready to confront any thing.

If you are a civilian like me, get to use of it in carrying gun with you in your daily task to feel like carrying a cell phone, how you react when you are intermingling with police, military, entering a camp with your gun carried or deposited, in a bank anywhere. Of course you must be equipped of legal knowhow related to carrying gun. So, that if someone in authority will try to question you, you know how to deal with in a polite manner. Not necessarily pulling the pistol from the holster. The rest lies on you.

After you have gotten your CCW, you may consider looking into a local IDPA club. They teach and adhere to self defensive shooting, use of cover,tactical reloads under cover, shot placement, basic conceal carry.

An armed society is a polite society.
45King has it. While one may get lucky, it's not something I'd leave to chance.

"If you desire peace, then prepare for war" -Vegetius....
If I may add a follow up ?,

Is there such a thing as "too" much when it comes to your court case right after using a firearm?

We all know, no matter how justified, and how well trained you are/were and how great your shot placement was, your going to jail after shooting someone. The only matter is whether the DA is going to prosecute or not.

I've been concerend that have a piece of paper from "Lethal Force Institute" would look worse then having something from "American Pistol Institute"
At what point is the DA/Cops/Jury going to think, hey, he's not be prepared for a bad situation, he's looking for a bad situation.

Obvisouly you need enough training to be able to carry confidently with the proper mind set. The ability to know when to shoot and where is VERY important. But, at what stage are you no longer training for "safety" and "entertainment" and are you training to be a "HIT MAN". (That would be their term...)

Just curious on your thoughts....

When your life's on the line, the best isn't good enough.

There is no traiing that can adequtely prepare you for the stress of a real-life gunfight, but the more training you get, the better off you'll be.

Along with training you'll need lots of serious practice, both live and dry fire.

Col. Cooper said it best: "You are no more armed because you own a gun than you are a musician because you own a piano. The instrument is not the answer; the skill to use the instrument is the answer."

"No man who's in the
wrong can stand against
a man who knows he's
right and keeps on
Capt. Bill McDonald
Texas Rangers
I would highly recomend LFI and Mas Ayoob. He traches LFI 1 "aimed" (pun intended) at the civilian CCW. Alot of classroom, yes you shoot but the classroom time was invaluable. The school travels the country to various sites so hopefully you can find one near you.

Good Luck... Be Safe
If you are really serious, besides
the touch of gameship in IDPA,
look for someone who teaches FOF
with Simunitions or Code Eagle.

You have to be in a simulated gun
fight with folks shooting at you
to realize there's more than paper.

In TX, I can recommend some.
45King makes an excellent response to your question. Your question is a good one and your concern over the DA is valid.

In Arizona, there is very little to no chance you will beat a shooting charge unless you use Chapter 4 of Title 13 "Justification".

In short it says, you are legally justified to use Deadly Physical Force to protect yourself from illegal Deadly Physical Force that would cause you death or serious physical injury. There is no specification in the law as to your gun slinger skills. There are however words such as "Reasonable" and "Immediate" which can work for you or against you. Your state may and probably is different......but I agree 100% with 45King. You can't get enough training (I'll specify Good Training)....and follow with, don't go looking for a fight, avoid a fight if possible, but...."Train to Defend, Train to Survive, Train to Win".

Best Regards.....
"Train as You Live and Live as You Train"
I've been shooting since I was a kid and I've had my CCW for about three years. Last weekend I took my first defensive handgun course. It was three days of very intensive self defense shooting drills. I can say with certainty that I will have had enough of these classes when I'm about eighty! I learned more in those three days than YEARS of informal shooting. It doesn't come cheap, but I'll try to go to one of these courses each year (more if I could afford it)...
Eric Blair states that "We all know, no matter how justified, and how well trained you are/were and how great your shot placement was, your going to jail after shooting someone. The only matter is whether the DA is going to prosecute or not".

This is an absolute true statements -- but if we think this way we will not be interested anymore for survival, as it gives the notion that either we shoot or killed with justifiable reason still we go to jail if we could not prove it to the authority. This will put ourselves on the defensive position and perhaps we will be the victim if in case, as we don't have so much the will to protect ourselves using deadly force against an evil.

"It is better to outlive the Criminal and go to jail for a while rather then burried 6ft underground and be forgotten as days is passing by". There is a saying in my country that it would be better the police will follow me rather than a funeral.

Get as much training as you can afford. You will be training on how to avoid having to use deadly force BUT if you have to you will have learned to do it right. Not endangering innocent bystanders. Most training centers will assist you if TSHTF. You learn so much more then how to hit a target. Most training I have taken we spend over 80% of time in the classroom.
Unless you are going to "Two Face assination school" I think the lawyers claiming you are training to be a hit man will bomb big time.