How many wrote Kmart to thank

well back before T day i went in to the Kmart and tried to buy a Marlin 60 22lr that was on sale with a 4x scope for 100 bucks. They had just sold the last one. I gave a copy of the article about Rosie being let go to the manager and told him that that was why i was there.

I just recieved my rain check in the mail.

The raincheck merchandise is not available at this time...

instead i get 25 percent off of any 1 thing in the Sports department.

well i found my marlin in my coveted 60ss config for $159 at a distributer over the holiday anyhow so i don't want the rainchecked Marlin anyway

so what should i get?

Maybe i could order a Steyr 40!

I agree with Kimber Man. K-Mart dropped rosie because she had become a PR problem, not because of her anti-gun feelings. As far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out and I won't shop there.
I agree with all the hard asses. K-Mart can kiss all future proceeds goodbye from my immediate family. I even put as a condition of my will (seriously) that no beneficiaries ever set foot in the evil krap mart.
The point is, Kmart caved because we made a big stink. What if, after all our righteous indignation, they let Rosie go, and we still wouldn't bring them our business? The next time they supported some anti-gun stand, and we made a big stink, they'd just say "Screw you, you're not going to shop at our stores no matter what we do."

Does anyone think the boycott was supposed to effect some fundamental change in the ideological mindset of the Kmart Corporation?
It's all about $$$. We spoke with ours, and Kmart responded. Now they need a cookie. A little positive re-inforcement goes a long way.

[This message has been edited by boing (edited December 17, 1999).]
Well, I look at it this way. We sent a message to ALL sponsors, not just K-Mart.
I'm not going back, and in fact, am still sending them my WalMart, etc. receipts showing them how much they lost, and are continuing to lose.

As I said earlier, I'm trying to make gun control the Third Rail of marketing. Be for it and you will lose a bundle. One of my biggest fantasies (not including Reba McIntire) is that after a while, the marketeers will be talking in hushed tones,
"Geez, look what happened to K-mart -- stay clear of ANYTHING anti-gun".

There are too many stores who offer the same items, sometimes at a better price. I go there, and occasionally tell them why them and not K-Mart. It's like water gradually eroding granite -- just keep at it.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
The only way to approve K-mart is if they come out and take a strong RKBA stand. If they start selling and stocking "evil" black rifles ect. Till then they should be SOL

I have sent an e-mail to K-Mart telling them that I will be buying from their stores again. And I have shopped at their stores since then.

When I originally sent them an e-mail demanding that they break with Rosie, I told them that I would not enter any of their stores while she was their spokesperson. Since they kept up their end of the bargain, I'll keep mine.

I'll continue to frequent my local gunshop, but I won't hesitate to purchase hunting and firearm supplies from K-Mart.

I agree with Boing. I punished them while they were with Rosie, and I'll reward them when they're not with Rosie. We need to show that the power of the gun owners is both beneficial to our allies as well as harmful to our enemies.