How many watched the CNN GOP debate last night?

I saw just the last half. Romney came across as hollow. Everytime he was asked a question he responded with "I would ask my advisers" or some similar responce. He never presented any anwsers of his own. Even when asked yes or no question he could not provide an answer. Not sure what happened when that retired general was talking. (nor do I propose any theories) Rudi appeared to take everything personal. Huckabee came across well. When asked about the space program and sending a man to Mars he suggested that Hillary be he first one. Ron Paul came across as standing firm on his platform. Having said all of the above I am starting to form oppinions as to who has my support. I think the GOP debate last night has probably had the biggest impact on this so far.
I've already picked my guy as Ron Paul.

I thought it was hilarious seeing Romney dance around the "Do you believe every word in the bible question."

The Rudy/Romney fight over immigrants was funny as well. And it is nice to see that Fred has started the attack ads.

I wish they would have let everyone answer the "what firearms do you own" question though.
That debate was the biggest farce I have ever seen. Some of the people asking questions where actual plants from different Democrat campaigns. Now I don't care if they are allowed to ask questions to the Republicans, it just should be mentioned they are work for Democrats. Its seems CNN really screwed the pooch with this poor excuse of a debate. It was nothing more than a hit and run attack on the Republicans candidates.
I don't see that CNN did anything wrong. Some gay guy that asked a question worked for Hillary, but his question was straightforward and legitimate.

I think the main thing that happened last night was that we were shown, once again, that the Democrats will win the presidency. Giuliani and Romney got into a duel over who was the most liberal. Ron Paul looked like a wack job again. McCain once again came across as a pompous ass. Huckabee refused to give answers. It was pretty much status quo.

Get ready for President Obama.
Some gay guy that asked a question worked for Hillary, but his question was straightforward and legitimate.
His "question?"

What about his two-minute-long argumentative, scolding rant? Was that also legitimate?
I thought last night's CNN Republican debate was one of the better ones they've had--far better than their Democratic debate, which was more like a campaign speech opportunity! Most of the you-tube questions were good ones, and gave the candidates a chance to comment on a wide variety of topics. I do wish every candidate would have been given the chance to comment on each question.

As far as who won last night, who knows? I still like Ron Paul, dislike Romney, think Huckabee and Guiliani came across as most like normal humans. McCain was good, IMO, on the subject of torture, but was pretty useless otherwise.

It will be an interesting race, that's for sure, on both sides. I can't believe the Dems are actually going to nominate Hillary, but they've picked really obnoxious candidates before. Personally, I just can't imagine her winning, but I guess anything's possible.
One thing that stood out for me was the extremism showcased by the questioners themselves. The guy with stars 'n' bars, the guy with the Remington pump being tossed to him, etc.
No doubt it was intentional on CNN's part, but I don't think it's a complaint valid only for the Republicans; I remember the guy demanding reparations during the Dem debate.
Still and all, this was a very revealing format. your average voter just tuning in no doubt learned a lot more about the candidates than an average debate would have shown.
Well, let's face it. They are politicians. (Not statesmen, unfortunately)
IMHO Whatever they say in the debates will more than likely be forgotton if and when one of them is elected...

Just my $.02
I thought it was a good debate with good questions, much more pointed and revealing than anything that is ever asked of the Donkey party candidates. I found it to be good that Guiliani was put on the spot for his 2nd amendment violations--not hard enough, but at least it was done--but disappointed that Romney wasn't equally exposed. Both of them irrevocably lost any chance of me ever voting for them. Tancredo and Huckabee looked quite good by comparison. I really like Thompson's stances but he didn't present himself as being as solid, quick, sharp, and healthy, but rather tired and maybe a few years out of his prime. Ron Paul looked like a wacko and a creep and was painted as a pacifist. I was very angry at Romney's view of the Confederate flag, and cared only slightly more for Thompson's response. Both of them failed miserably on their opportunity to speak up against leftism and the atrocity of the PC plague. I want someone to finally get in office who will attack the problem instead of capitulating to it. Romney appeared sharp as a person, but I hope he gets completely rejected. I've thought McCain to be a slimeball for about a decade, and that view hasn't changed one bit.
I thought that Huckabee came off the best last night followed closely by Romney and Thompson. I was glad to see Thompson with more energy. McCain looked more like a leader last night, but I disagree with him on the "waterboarding" discussion with Romney.