How many speed loaders for IDPA?


New member
Hi all. If I want to use my revolver how many will I need? I may also use in USPSA or Steel Challenge, but mostly I shoot IDPA. Thanks.
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You are allowed three speedloaders on your belt in IDPA.
I would not go with less and more is convenient so you can be ready for the next stage if you are first up. One of those trays that holds circles of six rounds for easy speedloader filling is handy, too.
No limit for USPSA, except for the number of targets on the stage.
If you happen across one of those huge ones, better wear suspenders to be able to carry them all.
The longest one I can remember was 50 rounds.
Lots of borrowing was going on that day.
Get way more than you think you'll need.
Since USPSA allows reloading on the move, they get lost and stepped on.
As a revolver enthusiast, see if there's ICORE revolver matches in the area, too, to add to the fun.
I always shoot revolver for IDPA (going this Saturday, in fact). I carry three speed loaders on my belt, and one in hand to "load and make ready."

I have 9 speedloaders (for ICORE) so I bring them all to my IDPA matches. It's nice to have extra so you can reload the ones you just used at your convenience, rather than rushing to be ready for the next stage.

I'm curious what revolver you're gong to (or did) shoot.