How many rounds?

Tim Whittaker

New member
I have always heard about autos having a service life of "X" number of rounds, How many rounds of .357 can a revolver, GP 100, in particular shoot? Any comments?
I have two, and one has at least ten thousand, both lead and jacketed. Probably dry-fired twice that.
Still perfect.
Most of the Old revolvers I have seen that were in bad shape was because of too much or improper cleaning, no maintenance, or rough handling. Shooting out a Revolver would be a long hard job.
I actually buggered up a GP100, I won’t burden you with the details but it has something to do with getting dumber the older I get. The gun had more than 8,000 round through it when I made my little “mistake”. I sent the gun back to Ruger, I told them it was my fault and that I would pay to have it fixed. They sent me a piece of paper to sign and a week later I had a new GP100, no charge. I wish every company was like that.

If you have a progressive reloader like a Dillion 550 you will need a GP100, you will wear out any other 357.
Around 5,000 rounds from me and I don't know how many from the first owner (first gun, bought it in a pawn shop in NM) and the dang thing is still as strong, shiny, and accurate as the day I bought it. And, about 500 of those rounds were +P+, as well as some of my own "home brew".

About the only problems that I've heard of in Revolvers is either cylinder lock due to using wrong type of ammo (too hot), the bore becoming smooth (rifling gets too thin), or it exploding.. again due to hot loads. I guess the springs can wear out or the firing pin breaks but never (knocks on wood right now) had it happen (any of the above except first one but that was my fault.. but the gun, a .38, fires the ammo (hot) with no problems now.. go figure).
