How many People use Glocks at Shooting Matchs?? How do they do?

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How many People use Glocks at Shooting Matchs?? How do they do?

At IDPA and IPSC ?

I'm looking to buy a new gun. I Love my Glock 34. I would like to get a new 9 mm. or .40
Full size. I don't know get one more Glock?
New Sig. Springfield Loaded? Para Ord.
I've only shot IDPA, and only at a few matches. Glocks are like anything else - the better the shooter, the better they do. Good, solid weapons, nothing more, nothing less.

Matches seem to be the stress point of pistols - I'd never seen a Glock malfuntion until IDPA. Lots of other makes, too. The good shooters cleared it and got on with the stage, and still did well. They bitched about the gun later ;).
I shot one IDPA match, with a G23 in the SSP class and a G30 in the Back-up.

I won the marksman Class, and the only person at the match with a faster score with am expert with a Glock also.

I came in second in the back-up match, missing out by fractions to the same Expert with Glock.

Also, every GSSF match I have ever been to has been won by a Glock. ;)
Interesting question. First off, I'll say it's the shooter, not the weapon that wins competitions.

Now that said, my local range has "combat" shoots on tuesday nights. Mostly it amounts to being the local 1911 guys getting together and shooting some contrived far fetched senarios. But, it seems every now and again a guy with a Glock will show up and clean house on all of 'em. It seems you never hear so many excuses made for malfunctioning 1911s. It's commonplace to see a 1911 choke, puke and disassemble itself on a tuesday night,

But if a Glock chokes, holy cow! You would think that they all were cheap junk guns.

People wonder why I discount Glock failure stories as gossip and heresay.

I've only been to one IDPA match and the majority of the shooters were using Glocks. You would have thought it was a GSSF match.

I would go with a G-35. Same holsters as your G-34, same trigger and manual of arms etc...

You can't go wrong with a Glock, but you already know that.


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Hi guys. My first time here. Quit because its nothing but a flamers paradise now! I shoot IPSC with Glocks (G24) and while I'm not going to claim I win very often (I do have FUN!) I think its an excellent gun for the job. In my area (NC) about 1/3 of the Limited shooters use Glocks. One of my friends took 3rd Master Class at the Georgia state shoot with his G24. I think Glocks are the best - and cheapest - way to get into the action shooting games. Many of the 1911er's might not like us, but they do respect us!

I have a G-35 and it is a great pistol, but I haven't used it in a match yet. For "defensive" type shooting the Glock is fine and they win a bunch of matches in all classes. However, they do not have the inherent accuracy to win "high overall" in such games as PPC where X and 10 ring count at 50 yards is required.

There are two types of accuracy, "combat" accuracy and "match" accuracy. Glocks have all the "combat" accuracy anyone could ever need. My G-35 is accurate enough to win any IDPA or IPSC match if the shooter does his/her part.
I've shot IPSC matches at Running Gun in Norco, CA and at On Target in Orange County, CA (too bad On Target no longer hosts matches). Both clubs often had 40 or more competitors. I never saw a Glock win high open or high limited - overall winner always used a 1911.

IPSC nationals (limited and open) are still dominated by high capacity 1911's. 1911's dominate because they are the best tool for action shooting competitions - light/crisp trigger, accurate and fast mag changes.

The best Glock trigger is still inferior to the best 1911 trigger.

It will be a long time before someone wins the IPSC nationals with a gun that isn't a 1911 (unless IPSC makes a class where 1911's are disallowed).

For competition, get a 1911.

(unless IPSC makes a class where 1911's are disallowed).
Acck... pulse rate rising...
Heresy ! :(
Ok boys, get the rope ...
It'a a stringin' time :D
Yep, we use Glocks at Club matches.
They keep the Mens Room door open nicely ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Dan, there's not a shooter out there that can't screw up a gun by trying to make it better. I've RO'd a couple GSSF matches, the most common malf is jams from crappy reloads, the second is baseplates coming off extended mags and dumping the whole deal in the dirt. The reason you won't hear much whining at a GSSF match is because they all get reshoots. That said, I've RO'd hundreds of IPSC matches and seen just about every imaginable malf happen to a 1911, with the exception of just plain bad luck, the reasons are the same- crappy reloads, untested or poorly installed aftermarket parts.Oh yeah, and this has been covered in at least one other thread, the guy with the new Dremel.
Glocks seem to be used more on the East Coast than the West. Where I shoot there are very few Glocks used. Para is king followed by STI/SV. of all the pistols, Glocks are the cheapest to buy. And if you look around you can find a used pistol for 1/2 that of a new one. The market seems to be flooded with Glocks.

In fact, you DO NOT get a reshoot at GSSF if you are using Reloads. I am not 100% sure about the aftermarktet parts, but I know that GSSF policy is no re-shoots for anyone using reloads. The reason people don't wine as much about it at GSSF matches is because the true shooters there using real ammo would point at them and laugh. :)
Rob- Scott Gilbertsen very specifically instructed RO's that Glock wanted shooters to have a good time and to give reshoots. If a shooter had a second malf as a result of using reloads give him a dnf.

[This message has been edited by motorep (edited July 18, 1999).]
Really? That's very interesting. I'll give Scott hell about it next time I talk to him. GSSF's policy is very clear on the matter. ;)
The policy at all GSSF matches I have been to (lots) is no reshoot with reloads, but on occaision I see ROs give one to people shooting reloads. Maybe the RO does not know its reloads or they dont care, but I see it happen.

Glocks have placed well at the Limited Nationals, Armando Valdes has finished in the top 16 and been to the shootoffs a few times and if I recall correctly he won Standard at a World Shoot with a Glokc.


Matt's Custom Glock Resource - Because Stock is Slow!
At "my" IDPA club/range, Glocks are the seeming majority in Stock Service Pistol, and fare well. There are other very good shooters using their (duty) Beretta's and Sigs also. The compact Glocks seem to be the favorite in the Backup gun matches. I see frequent posts on Glock Talk about guys shooting IPSC limited with their Glocks, and doing well, even against 1911's.

I've been shooting SSP with my G22, and know the biggest limitation is my own ability. There is an expert class shooter, who shoots mostly his 1911, but sometimes a G19. His times are surprisingly close with each gun. Although the 1911 trigger clearly has no equal, the Glock trigger can be mastered. I heard recently that Rob Leatham got a G35, and is supposed to like it a lot. FWIW. I covet a G34.
So many guns, so little money and ammo.
Yeah, I used to shoot in the 110s in my golf game, but when I got Calloway clubs, my scores instantly fell into the 80s. It's the Indian, not the arrows, IMO. Of course I don't really know since I haven't competed, but don't you imagine the best competitors (Rob) could still do pretty well with a Llama?
There comes a point where equipment can be the dominating factor in any shooting "game". Race guns built on a 1911 with squib 38 Super loads have almost no recoil and are easy to shoot fast. Take the same type pistol and remove the compensator then feed it full power loads and scores will suffer.

I shot with the Training Officer from the S.O., our Chief of Police, and a special deputy this morning. On our course of fire I dropped two points with my G35 the first time through and three points the second time through shooting full boat loads. I then shot the same course with my PPC revolver with 148 wadcutters and finished with one ragged hole about three inches in diameter in the dead center of a 'Q' target.

In some cases, "arrows" do make the Indian...
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