How many of us did this...


New member
How many, if any bought an AC556, or a Mini14, because Hanibal Smith had one?:D

You can't see it, but I'm sheepishly raising my hand. lol
I always wondered why the members of a highly trained A-Team never could seem to hit the guys shooting at them. They just missed and blew up barrels and vehicles. Then I shot some minis and realized what the problem was. :p

You mean that you realized that they look so bad@$$ that the badguys either run away, or simply surrender out of utter FEAR, so no need to actually shoot them?:D
I admit, my Mini-14 was the first rifle I bought when I was a kid because of the A-Team. Whew. I feel better now.
I didn't buy my Uzi because of Terminator.

Didn't buy any of my AR 15s because of Blackhawk Down or Generation Kill.

Didn't buy my .44 because of Dirty Harry.

If it makes you feel better, I bought my AK-47 because of Ice Cube and my Glocks because of Biggie Smalls. Now I'm saving for a MAC-10 and a 64 Impala on "dubs" because of Easy E! :cool:

In all honesty I did buy my 627 because of the end shootout scene in Sultan Sea (it was a 327 in the movie) and I would buy a Bren Gun because of the little hippie girl shooting one in slow motion in Lock Stock. ...And I want a M79 because of Terminator 2 but what's the fun of a 40mm without H.E.?
Bought a M-1 Thompson because of Vic Morrow in Combat.
BAR because of Little John in Combat and Bonnie and Clyde.
MP-40 because of Rat Patrol.
M-60 because of the Rambo scene in the hanger.
Mac-10 because of John Wayne.

And the rest because I could and guns are addictive.
What are you? Some kind of communist?????

Nope. In the America I grew up in, there was more to life than stupid TV shows.... Americans did things ..... now they watch things..... screens of one sort or another, mostly .... Come to think of it, I think I'll go dry fire and do some position work ...... KThnxBye.
Pity the fool ?

Heard of it, never watched it.
I love it when a plan comes together .


In the 1980's it was entertaining TV . My buddy bought a Colt 1911 because of Magnum PI .

We had no internet :cool:
Nope. In the America I grew up in, there was more to life than stupid TV shows.... Americans did things ..... now they watch things..... screens of one sort or another, mostly .... Come to think of it, I think I'll go dry fire and do some position work ...... KThnxBye.

Funny coming from someone with over 3000 posts.:eek:

The A-team was a good show... but I am kinda young but do remember it.

However I'll stick with an AR over a Mini.
Funny coming from someone with over 3000 posts.

Now that's funny!!

JimBob, next thing you're gonna tell me is that you had to walk to school everyday 5 miles, uphill, both ways, barefoot, in the snow, AFTER you got off work from your 12 hour shift at the saw mill, so you could pay the doctor bills for your poor sick mother, who was raising 14 kids on her own, cause Paw died in a coal mine when you were 3.

Man, I'm glad I didn't grow up in THAT America!!;)

Seriously... Lighten up Francis... we're having fun here.:)
No - not me, but of course if Hanibal has one that's good enough for me. My decision to buy an AC556 went something like this:

1. It was originally between an UZI and AC556 - both priced nearly the same when I was in the market. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I decided I wanted a full-auto that fired the more powerful .223 than 9mm or .45. So, the UZI was out.

2. I also considered the FNC because I had an FNC semi-auto that I could have purchased a sear for. But I was concerned about lack of parts and breakages. Also, the conversion required welding the bolt (I think?), only a couple of folks did this, and I wasn't convinced that this was the best way to go.

3. The AC556 was rugged, robust, affordable and factory supported (at the time:mad:). A factory supported machinegun that I could shoot and get repaired whenever I wanted - Yep, that made the AC556 an easy choice.

Now, what have I learned?

The FNC conversions are actually quite durable and robust - you don't hear about many problems with these guns. The AC556 is no longer supported by Ruger:mad: and its very hard to find parts for it. Parts sets are through the roof! I still like it better than the UZI, but not as much as I did when I first bought it.
Poodleshooter: THAT and George Peppard (who played Hannibal Smith) didn't want anyone to be shot during the show-or so I have heard.

Good, campy 80's show.