How many LEGAL private sales have you done this year?

How many LEGAL private gun sales have you done this year?

  • 0

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • 1

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • 2

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • 3

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • more than 3

    Votes: 3 13.0%

  • Total voters


Since BATFE actions and the pro government "courts" have made the PRACTICAL application of federal anti second amendment "law" very very hazy, there's no clear number of guns you can privately sell in any given time frame before you're considered being "engaged in the business." BATFE has shown over and over by their behavior that they will charge people with "being engaged in the business without a license" using criteria that is HIGHLY subjective, fluid, and EXTREMELY inconsistent. It has created an atmosphere of fear (probably their intent), where if you sell more than one gun privately, you conceivably could have your life ruined by this out of control agency.

Here's a story of a man who apparently privately sold "too many." Frankly I'm not surprised they charged him, but he didn't violate any law because he's being charged based on his alleged "INTENT." Last time I checked, we are still free to sell our own property if we wish to, and when he filled out the 4473 he truly WAS "the actual buyer." If he later decided to sell that gun, that is his right, and the law makes absolutely no distinction on how long that time frame must be. If he decides to sell it a millisecond after he leaves the gun store, that's his right. If he supposedly "planned" to sell it BEFORE he made the purchase, then he's STILL innocent until BATFE proves that some arrangement existed before the sale. Has "innocent until proven guilty" just totally been destroyed by these prosecutors, judges, and bad juries?

Years ago, I used to hear that the issue was whether you "made a profit" off the sale or not. Now, the issue seems to be the AMOUNT of guns you sell privately, an amount that is totally arbitrary and seems to be based on some "feeling" the BATFE gets. It's almost as if they use a ouija board to decide if they can convince an ignorant jury that you're "engaged in the business."
I ain't scairt. I sold four online through an FFL. I bought six online through an FFL. I bought one FTF with no FFL and I sold one FTF with no FFL. I sold two antiques online that didn't require an FFL and bought two repros online that didn't require an FFL. Want me to list them too?
How many LEGAL private sales have I done this year?

This year I purchased about 20 online which were shipped directly to my house via the US mail or UPS. I sold about 30 or 40 at a garage sale this past September.

Books. Not guns.

Why should the law be different for one than it is for the other?
Why should the law be different for one than it is for the other?
Very good shouldn't.

Haven't done any selling/buying but I've traded a couple FTF. I won't ever sell anything unless it's to get something new, so if I can just trade for what I want...why not.
Just one. It was all legal to do of course, but I must say that the circumstances were funny. I met the guy in an underground parking garage of his apt. building and sold a rifle out of my trunk. An assault rifle no less. :D :rolleyes: