How many in Alaska??


How many of you TFLers live/hunt in Alaska? I have a little list here that I've jotted down from different posts and things people have said, so I'm sure of about 5 (me included.) Where in Alaska do you live? Any in the Valdez area? I just wanted to kind of get a list so I could have certain people to address ques to. Alot of hunting techniques in the states don't excactly have a place up here. BM.
Cordova, just far enough from Valdez. I'm the area game biologist for Prince William Sound on down to Icy Bay (Unit 6), be delighted to help you plan a hunt in my neck of the woods. :D

Actually my brother lives in Valdez, and this spring we're going on a hunt out on one of the islands. We haven't picked out which yet, or even set a date, but probably sometime in january because:
A. most bears will be hibernating.
b. you can shoot buck or doe.
c. the snow should have pushed them to lower elevations by then, maybe even a few on the beach.
Hopefully we can get some. A guy my brother knows has a boat, and says if we pay for the gas, he'll take a week of leave, and take us out there :) I can't wait to have some venison in the freezer, haven't had any in a few years :D
Hey Man, I agree to all of the above regarding deer and bear, but the season closes Dec. 31! You might plan for a wee bit earlier...
Nothing funner than a winter deer hunt in the Sound, if the weather doesn't kick your a$$. I had a friend go out a couple years ago during that bad winter, only got out to hunt a few hours between gales but they still picked up a few deer in the timber. Always a gamble. Good luck!

I just checked the regs...OOPS! hehe, guess we'll go a bit earlier :) I dunno if I'm gonna be able to swing a week before december though. Schools got me wrapped up for a few mores months. Maybe I'll be able to fit a long weekend in anyhow.