How many folks do we have here who shoot .357 Sig?


New member
Sort of curious..see the oddball post here and there asking about it but none as many as other calibers.

I personally shoot it out of a Glock 32 and a Glock 35 with a KKM .357 Sig barrel. I originally got the 32 due to the fact I could make a 23 for only 115.00 more :) Plus I got a great deal on it with n/s.

Anyways who shoots it, what made you decide to go to this caliber and how do you like it?

Personally it is my favorite round to shoot at the range due to the fact that it is a very accurate round and I like the sharp CRACK it reports. Gets you noticed too :) I just wish it wasn't so darn expensive to shoot :(

I shoot a Glock 32C with an extended Bar-Sto barrel with 4 comp cuts (2 horizontal, 2 vertical) and have a cool Lasermax Hibright to tinker around with (about 1% of the time,99% practice with standard sites)- this gun is bad ass & very accurate- such a hot round, things a fire breathing dragon- people are alway's commenting on it at the range, a wacky custom barrel does wonders for a Glock's overall look. I agree, the Ammo is a little spendy.
Yes GG..take it to the range and shoot the ^%$# out of it. Hot little round. The only thing I did was install a #24 Wolff spring and guide rod. It does tame the perceived recoil a bit but by no means is it a necessary change. You are gonna love it.
357 SIG? one of my favorites. Currently have 3, G-33 which resides mainly on my ankle in an Alessi rig, Sig 229, with both .40 and.357 barrels, and I picked up a two tone 226 for my northwoods gun (N.E.) Happy Holidays to all, SPG
I shoot a SIG 229 and 239 both in .357 SIG. I wanted a hot new toy, but also bought the 229 because I knew DPS was going to it.
I am happy I did because they are both sweet guns to shoot. The 239 would make a great little ccw gun, but I don't plan on getting a ccw so....
The ammo is a little pricey, but I have been able to buy Speer Lawman 125gr. flat point for about $10-12 a box depending on the gun show. I have heard that CCI Blazer is going to offer a .357 SIG round soon, if not already.
I love this caliber, lots of power and a loud bark. I have a Sig 229, Glock 31 and Glock 33. Had a 239 in .357, didn't like it as much as the 229, sold it for a smaller Glock 33. Great guns, great caliber. The CCI Blazer is already on the market, but its hard to find. Good stuff, grab some if you can.

[This message has been edited by sigarms229 (edited December 28, 1999).]
I am relatively new to shooting and got interested in the 357 sig because of the apparently ambitious objective -- to replicate in a semi-auto round the ballistic performance of the 357 mag -- and because the literature available suggested it might just be an inherently superior round in accuracy.

I shoot 357 sig from the Sigpro 2340 (which I am contemplating trading for a Sig P239 simply because it fits my hand better), and from an STI 2011 with a hybrid Schuemann barrel.

The STI was bought at a fire sale for less than 40% of the price of the custom gun, and the guy who sold it claims its the only 357 sig STI around. Who knows.

Here's the big news though -- the Schuemann hybrid barrel has six large ports in the comped barrel, and the recoil from the Sig 357 is non-existent. Combined with the air-light trigger, it makes a great competition gun. The perfect platform from which to launch a ballistically superior round.

The comps also make an already loud retort simply deafening. At a range during the Thanksgiving weekend I drowned out an M-16 at the adjoining station -- all the while doing double taps at 50 feet with no muzzle flip.

Natchez sells 357 sig in CCI variety for 8.40 a box if purchased in case quantities. I have begun to reload, with a more experienced friend's help. The cost will drop dramatically as a result, hopefully into the $.08 per round range.

I have other handguns in 45 cal (1911's) and 9mm (Browning Hi Power) and am glad to have those traditional reliable, and commercially available, rounds. But I am also happy I have taken a flier, and a little bit of risk, with the 357 sig.

If the commercial price gets low enough, this round will, in my judgment, get a lot more attention, a much broader acceptance, and a little more serious recognition of its ballistic performance.
I own a SIG P239 in .357SIG. Used to have a P229 in the same caliber. I really like the cartridge but hate the price, and lack of availability. I am pretty much relagated to the .45 AUTO cartridge which is readily available, and commercial ammo is not outrageously overpriced. I think it, .357SIG, is here to stay. The United States Secret Service has adopted it in the P229. The Texas Department of Public Safety (State Police) have also adopted the cartridge in there SIGs. This will insure the cartridge does at least have some future. However,
most of the civilian population will probably stick with the main stay 9mm and .45ACP in there auto loaders...


[This message has been edited by James Montes (edited December 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by James Montes (edited December 26, 1999).]
I shoot it. It is one of my favorite rounds. My second favorite gun is my Glock 32 (my fav being my Glock 30).

I love the .357 Sig in the Glock. Compared to other rounds like the .40 it is proven more accurate in tests, more reliable do to the shape of the cartridge, more safe due to almost full chamber support and thicker brass web, more energy than almost any other defesive round on the market including the 10mm, more velocity, flatter shooting, great performance and expansion through barriers, relatively low muzzle that enough reasons to love the .357 Sig?

My other favorite is my good old .45 in the Glock 30. I suppose that one cannot really lose when deciding between the .45 and the .357 Magnum. They both are supposed to work very well.

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited December 26, 1999).]
I'm shooting the .357sig from my hybrid Glock - G22 frame, G31 top end with hard fit BarSto 5.5" barrel. This combo has shot several sub 1" groups at 25yds with CorBon 125gr ammo! Its not only my most accurate Glock (by far), it also out shoots my custom 1911s.
I fire the .357 Sig from a Sig P-226 (two tone). The weapon and the round are both outstanding: reliable, accurate, superior quality. ZERO failures with 1000+ rounds fired (all Federal 125 grain FMJ loads) and tight groups at 50+ feet.

Bottom lines:

a) My experience with Sig "P series" semiautomatics is uniformly excellent. These are superb weapons with superior design, manufacturing quality, reliability, durability and out-of-the-box accuracy. Both my P-220 and P-226 compare well to my stainless Kimber Custom/Classic full-size 1911A1 and are decidedly better (IMHO) than my Glock 23C or older Colts/Smith and Wessons.

b) The .357 Sig round is also excellent; it clearly demonstrates high muzzle velocity, with decent projectile weight, and outstanding point-of-aim accuracy. Only deficiency is the cost and difficulty in finding .357 Sig ammunition, although this has improved in the last year and, I suspect, will continue to progress over the next several years. I believe an increasing number of agencies will opt for the .357 Sig in lieu of either the 9mm or the .40 S&W.
I currently use a Glock 31 to propel the 357 Sig. It's one of my 3 favorite cartridges.

The 357SIG is super cheap to reload since I can buy even plated bullets at $45 per 1000.

Yes, the hot loads are fun. But if you want a mellow load that feels more like a pellet gun, try 5.8 grains of Universal. This is the max grains for Universal. It cycles my Glock 31 fine. Other guns might require a reduced recoil spring so the slide will function.

My favorite powders for 357 Sig are Blue Dot and Power Pistol. I might try AA7 sometime but doubt if it can make the velocities of the other two powders.

Oh, I'm looking forward for the Steyr M357's when they come out within a month or so.
I owned the P229 SIG but traded it for a Colt Delta Gold Cup 10mm a few years back. The 357 round is a nice one, accurate and powerful. The SIG I traded for other reasons than the caliber...

I already had 38 Super +P I was shooting in my Colt Gummint Model, so I let the SIG go in the interest of slimming down my requirements for so many types of ammo--you know how that works-- LOL!!

Anyways, my "exotic rounds" today are limited to Super 38 and 10mm, in Colt Gummints, of course.

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Shoot it from a SIG 229 with trijicon nite sights and CrimsonTrace Lasergrips.

Only thing I've found to cause me to switch from my beloved .45 230 hydra-shoks for protection.
I got a Taurus PT 957 back last summer and I really love it. Yes, that .357 Sig cartridge really turns some heads on the range. So loud, in fact, that no one that goes with me wants to shoot it any more. That's ok - more for me. Part of me hopes that the .357 Sig stays almost forgotten and underappreciated, like the 10mm and .41 Mag. Too bad so many are missing out in the fun... :(

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
I shoot .357 out of a Glock 31. I was fascinated by the round when it came out and figured I had to have a gun that fired it. My G31 is now my favorite pistol and is used more than any of my other guns.
Shot several thousand rounds through G22/27 w Glock 357 barrels, and G35 w KKM barrel, G32s.

More of the same. Another way to skin the cat, not necessarily a better way. Certainly not the best way for everbody for everything :)

Terminal ballistics?

For duty use from full size guns you can make bigger, deeper holes and generate almost as much energy with 40, 45, 45 +P.

The Gold Dot/Federal in 357 SIG do

14-16/.60 and 19+/.54 w 523 ft lbs.

Several 155 40 loads do

14-16/.60+ and 14-20/.55-65, 450-500.

Some 45 loads do

14+/.70+, 16-18/.65-70, 490.

The 135 40s expand more, penetrate the same and have almost as much energy as the new Secret Service 357 SIG load.

A USP/SW 4506/G21 w Rem/Speer 185/200 +P ammo for example isn't any harder to handle than the 357 SIG in a P226/229/sigpro/G31.

From compact pistols the 357 SIG generates more energy, but the 40/45/45 +P still makes a bigger hole w more than enough energy. A G30/USP compact w +P 45 ammo isn't any harder to handle than a G32, 229 and not much bigger.

Accuracy? Reliability? Splitting hairs. My HK 40s and all my 9s were more accurate than my Glock 357s, and jammed less. I've already seen/heard about ruptured (kB) Glocks in 357 SIG w factory Speer/Federal/Rem ammo too. :)

TX DPS is getting better results w their new 357s than they did with their old 45s. So what? The Indiana State Police and Illinois State Police got better results w their 9mms than the TX DPS got w their 45s too. And they got better results with their 9mms than the VA and State Police is getting w their new 357s! :)

All said and done, it is another good choice, but it isn't Excalibur. :)


[This message has been edited by BrokenArrow (edited December 31, 1999).]