How many find themselves packing their wheel gun more than that semi-auto?


New member
I'll admit it...I love my 1911 style pistols. I "grew up" with them in my 24 years with the military. But as much as I would like to pack one for personal protection, I like the thought of having little to concern myself about with in a life-or-death situation when it comes down to getting those rounds off. So I normally pack my S&W model 60 five shot snubby. Anyone else find themselves doing the same, and which revolver do you use?
I hope this turn into another is 5 enough rant-a-thon.

Lots of folks carry J frames or LCRs as they are convenient. The knowledgeable person acknowledges that they are usually one or two opponent guns and suited for the most likely single or two opponent close up scenario. They acknowledge that it is not optimal for some intense but less likely rampage/terrorist horror show.

We have discussed that quite a bit.

The post I don't want to see is that someone will post that if you carry a snubby you are an idiot as you need more firepower. No, just acknowledge that you understand the risk continuum.

I also don't want to see someone saying that if you carry more, say a more substantial semi and an extra mag or two, you are some kind of Rambo commando nut. Don't go there.

Last, since the smaller guns are acknowledged by experts and some research as harder to shoot, it behooves the carrier to train and practice with the gun. As you should do with anything you carry but snubbies are a little harder to shoot. We've referenced that before.

Here is a nice summary by our Pax of a study by Karl Rehn.

So I do carry a J frame at times. I do train and shoot it. I also shoot a 1911 and various Glocks. I prefer the latter for EDC if convenient. The 1911 is just a tad to big for little ol' me when I've concealed it. I've done it and would if I had to.

J's are a 642 or 432 (this gives me 6 shots).
Until I lose the weight I gained back (groan), pocket carry is my most viable option; for that it is either a 642 or a LCP. I agree with the assessments in PAX's article (thanks for the link) as I do MUCH better with a full size semi or revolver.
I rotate between 3 revolvers
Colt Cobra post 73 built
S&W model 12, got to love an alloy K frame
S&W model 442.

All are light enough for EDC
I carry most of the time a Colt 3" 1911 in 45ACP and some of the time a S&W mod. 36 Chief snubnose in 38 spl. I like them both and feel both are up to the purpose.
I'm 40 and haven't ever had to shoot a single round in self defense. Odds are I never will so 5 or 6 rounds is probably more than I'll ever need. I still carry semi-auto's, though - I like the higher capacity, they're flat which I find easier to carry and I tend shoot them better than I've ever managed to shoot a snub nose revolver. I'm a pretty good shot with larger revolvers but they can be heavy and pretty clunky to carry.
I got rid of my Kahr CM9 to carry a 642 simply because I enjoy revolvers. As for practicality? The Kahr did everything better, glad I am not practical, there’s just no fun in that..:D
I carry my 629 in the woods and my G17 in town so to speak and that's because the threats are different in each environment.
I hear you. Most gunfights are at close range, and end quickly. Normally there isn't a fight, but one guy getting the best of another, then someone is killed, injured or runs away, I believe my wheel gun will serve the statistics well. My father is an 86 year old retired King County WA deputy Sheriff. Fired only one warning shot above a perp's head in his entire career. The rest were apprehended using communication skills and good police work. Too bad it's not so easy on our LEOs these days.
I carry the semi-auto just because it's what I shoot the most and with which I'm the most proficient. I wouldn't hesitate to carry most of my wheel guns but I'd have to become much more practiced with them first.

I always feel the most secure and comfortable when I carry a revolver rather than a semi-automatic. It may be silly but still a fact. I imagine partly it's simply habit, I've shot far more revolvers over the decades than semi-automatics and also own more revolvers. I fact I'll likely sell most of my 45acp and 9mm semi-automatics and maybe even buy a few more old wheelies.

Fortunately there are now several 9mm and 380 revolvers out there so I'll get to use up all the ammo I already have for them. I do have a few boxes of 45acp+P and so will either sell that with the 1911 format semi or be forced to buy a modern 45acp revolver.

I certainly don't want to have to buy another revolver but can't waste good ammo.
I loved my Ruger SP 101, but that's the only gun I couldn't become accurate with, no matter how much I trained. Very frustrating!
My Model 67 rides in my car console every day, but for CC it's my LC9s. If I can get the bugs worked out on my newly acquired Rossi 461 3" I'm going to try it for CC.
For CC I have either a Springfield XD9 or a Kimber in 45 ACP.
If I'm out in the woods hiking or hunting, the GP100 in 357 is on my hip.
Not me, though this time if year I'll slip a LCR in a jacket pocket when it's real cold and I dont want my jacket unzipped (so I can get to my belt 226).