How many carry more than one, and why ?


New member
I carry one handgun and a spare mag. And if I think I'm headed somewhere a little more dangerous than usual, I'll grab an extra mag. But, I've been reading recently of members here who carry one in the waistband and one in the pocket, or one in pocket and one on ankle, etc..
Is it because you live in inherently dangerous areas and might need a second gun? Or afraid your primary might fail ?
I'm not trying to insult anyone, it's just never occurred to me to carry more than one and am trying to understand why people do.
I carry one with a spare mag 95% of the time (just pulled that number out of my hat). However, I have carried a BUG instead of a spare mag before more than once.

Here's my reasoning: when I was carrying my Ruger LC9S Pro I ran some reload drills and quickly discovered just how easy it was to miss the magwell just slightly and in some cases greatly lengthen the time necessary to recharge my weapon. After some thought on it I realized that I could just as easily carry my Ruger LCP (or similar) instead of the spare mag and not have to worry about mangling a mag change. So on the rare occasions that I carry the LC9 I simply slip the LCP into the other pocket instead of a spare mag. Works for me.
My LCP goes in my pocket first thing every morning. No matter if I have plans of going anywhere or not. If I go anywhere close, in my very safe, part rural, part suburban area that's most likely all I carry. But if my travels force me into places with a higher chance of a problem, my Sig P320 carry goes IWB. At that point I just don't bother taking my LCP out of my pocket. Not necessarily as a BUG, but just because it's already there, it weighs noticeably nothing, and it goes unnoticed by me, and anybody else.
I'm not trying to insult anyone, it's just never occurred to me to carry more than one and am trying to understand why people do.

The primary consideration for a back up gun is what happens if, for any reason, your primary is no longer usable.

The practice comes from the days when there were only revolvers, actually even earlier, when all handguns were muzzle loading single shots. A "brace" of pistols was fairly common, giving two shot rapidly, twice as much as someone with only one gun.

Move ahead to the revolver era, and it becomes even more important, especially with single action Cap & ball (which take some time to reload) and still important with cartridge firearms, again, in the days of single actions, and their reload times.

Moving further forward in time, we find the DA revolver, which is significantly faster to reload, even before the advent of speed loaders. However, even with the rapid reload of a DA revolver (by the standards of the era) grabbing a second, loaded revolver was still faster than reloading the one you just shot dry.

Don't know how or why a backup gun became called a "New York Reload" but its been known as such for a long time...

Even today with spare mags, a back up gun has utility for some. What are the things that will put your primary out of action??

#1) Running out of ammo (not as big a concern today with hicap mags and spare mags, but still always a possibility...

#2) mechanical failure; something important breaks. Something a tap,rack, bang drill won't fix...

#3) Losing control / possession of your primary handgun. This is NOT as trivial as you might think. In a real world fight, there are times when your gun might be dropped/slips/ or be knocked from your hand(s). And, since about nobody uses a lanyard anymore, getting your primary gun back could be problematical.
Simply put, if your gun comes out of your hands, you might not be able to get it back and without a backup gun, you are disarmed.

For most of us the "need" for a second gun isn't a big one, but it is an important thing for some people.

Were I knowingly going in harm's way, I would pack a backup.

And, if I KNEW I was going into combat, I'd also take a rifle! And friends!! :D
I carry two for three reasons. First it is a faster reload, secondly if an assault occurs immediately and it happens to be on the side that I carry my primary weapon and am hindered by the attack I have the other gun on the opposite of my body allowing me to retrieve and defend myself. Also there is always the possibility of getting wounded, rendering either arm useless. Right now I carry a 686 with 2 speed strips and have replaced my 22 mag with a 911 .380.

I may seem paranoid but working in a level one trauma center for more than 3 decades I saw a lot of elderly patients that were brutally attacked all the time. The older we get the more prone the elderly become susceptible to assaults because the punks think we are an easy target. I assure you I will not be one of them.
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I guess I technically don't carry 2 handguns... but when I travel I always have 2... one on my person, and another either in my BOB or the truck console. They are both Kahrs... so they take the same magazines, same holsters, etc. I like simplicity.
Always have a spare magazine but rarely carry two guns. The exceptions are:

Winter time if I wear a zipped coat. My 642 in the coat pocket offers immediate access and the ability to shoot from the pocket. The other time is on a road trip. If for some reason I have to leave the wife behind in the vehicle (break down etc..) I have one to leave with her (she doesn't carry). During my LE career I always had a BUG on me while on duty.
Many cops carry a BUG, because crap happens. I did when I was a cop, and all the other officers did too.
I carry two guns because, faster then a reload, in case I have a failure with one gun, in case one arm becomes injured or restrained, because I want to. I have friends that carry one, and friends that never carry. I am thankful we live were we can defend ourselves and family.
My BG380 is with me all day everyday, when not at work I have a G26 IWB also. Usually switch to a 43 in the summer but haven’t yet....may just keep with the 26. Work is business casual so deep concealment is very important.

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I carry one everyday, even at home. I occasionally carry a spare magazine. G43 with ‘bigger’ clothes and G42 with tighter(Clipdraw, sits lower in pants)..

BUT traveling in WI, flew here and didn’t have a lockable case so didn’t bring either. Only been EDC for about 18 months but feel like I’m walking around with pants down..didn’t realize how comfy I am with it and how uncomfortable I am without.

But never carried more than one...
How many carry everyday because it's your right rather than your need?
As one of the past members here (CR Sam)was often quoted as saying, "You can't script your next encounter".

I carry every time I go out the door - except when I know I'm headed some place where I'll be "bending my elbow".

And to the OP - LCP in my pocket & quite often either the .45 Shield in the waist or the Sig 938 on my ankle.
The fastest and most reliable reload is a second handgun where you can reach it. The fastest and most reliable cure for a failed handgun is the same. That is going to be the gist of the argument for carrying a second.

I understand it, but I don't do it. My EDC is a Glock 26, extremely reliable, with a spare mag for either failures (most likely) or a reload (not going to happen if I have opportunity to get my sorry behind out of there). I have a pocket pistol that I trust, too, but it is for times when my usual IWB carry method doesn't work; I don't carry it as a backup.
I carry my Glock 43 IWB and 2 spare mags with +2 extensions in my back pocket in a cordura holster I made. I carry 2 spare mags because 1 mag is hard to balance and prints more. 2 spare mags look like a wallet and is more comfortable to sit on.