How Low Can You Go?


New member
I heard James Yeager (love him or hate him isn’t the point) make the following comment in a YouTube video the other day: “Keep in mind that we’re a big bag of water. And so, the lower we can get our bag of water to the ground, the more stable the platform.”

I certainly found that to be true. The shots shown in first photo were taken as I was standing and shooting offhand at 50 yards. In the second photo (shot at the same distance) taken only a few minutes later, all I did was kneel down on one knee while still supporting the rifle with my arms only.

Right now I’m too overweight and inflexible to get into the classic kneeling position (sitting back on the rear leg while resting the rifle on the front leg). And, I’m having some issues with prone also. So, I’m looking for that combination of a stable shooting position with a quick and easy transition from, and back to, standing for us “maturing” men.


  • 2016-04-23, 50 yds, standing.jpg
    2016-04-23, 50 yds, standing.jpg
    100.1 KB · Views: 46
  • 2016-04-23, 50 yds, kneeling.jpg
    2016-04-23, 50 yds, kneeling.jpg
    90.5 KB · Views: 39
I always thought the main reason for getting my fanny down was to keep my precious bod out of the way of identified flying objects, namely bullets. :rolleyes:

Yes, a lower center of gravity makes us more stable. Firing from a bench helps, too. I suppose it depends on your intended purpose for your shot.

My intended use of a firearm is more for defense than anything, so I suppose I would prefer the ability to remain more mobile, to move from cover to cover, etc.

I'm a bit broken, so taking a knee and popping back up again quickly is fairly difficult for me.

Lots of good kneeling and prone variations out there, Google images a few and see if one is more comfortable and stable for you. We are all shaped differently, what works for a light and limber Bruce Lee isn't going to work for my busted fatness.

I tended to lay my leg sideways and lean forward more than the.... Wedding proposal? position.

I've never given the sitting position an honest try, it seemed to have had its merits with folk.

James yaeger, love or hate, has attended far more firearms classes than I have. Take what I say for what it is, just an amateur opinion.

A dynamic shooting event (SD/HD) is VERY fast paced. Any position used must BALANCE speed and stability for the shot at hand and use of avail cover.

The cpl handgun fights ive been in have all been from a standing position. Just no time to get into any other position. My last was at a measured 48 yards. Could i have gone kneeling and gotten better accuracy... Sure. But, i didnt and the results were adequate to stop the fight.

All of my rifle encounters (Overseas) ive either gone kneeling behind cover or been shooting from a vehicle.

I dont like sitting, its just not fast enough to get out of for my liking.

Prone has advantages if no higher solid cover is avail or you need to hit at extended ranges. Again, all of mine have been fairly close range affairs. Ive never had to engage a person farther away then about 100yds. So, ive never gone prone for real.

Get behind something solid and getting REASONABLE hits FAST is much better then getting a super solid position and making the perfect hit. Just MHO...