How long does Alox have to sit on a bullet?


New member
I just cast my first batch this morning and have had the Alox on them for about 7 hours now. Can I run them though my Lee sizer dies or do I need to wait for a while?

I water dropped this batch and I have another batch sitting out in the garage, I read that I should let air cooled boolits harden for about a week or so. I want to see how they both shoot.
I leave them over night...10 to 12 hours I think is what they recommend...although if they are dry to the touch wouldnt hurt I dont figure.... just read the label... says let dry over night.
I use Hornady One Shot for sizing lube, takes about 5 minutes to dry. I can't stand the stuff for brass sizing but it works great on cast bullets for me. :)
LLA I let dry overnight before I do anything with it - that's my lube I use for my Tumble Lube bullets.
I use the LLA/JPW mix to tumble lube bullets although it dries to the touch much faster and can be relubed in the same day I usually let my bullets dry about 10 to 12 hours between coats.