How long are NICS checks taking these days?


New member
I had a gunbroker item sent in to my local FFL and so far it's been 4 days with no response back from NICS... I can understand it being busy these days. Any idea whats normal now?
I spent the day Sat helping out at my buddies pawn shop. “Insta-checks” were backed up 22 hours. “Buy it today... come back Monday” was our standard response. Pawn shops must be closed on Sunday in Colorado
Not sure of your state MikeGoob, but can tell you what it's like in Illinois. I recently purchased a handgun. Here in Illinois you have to pass the Federal NICS as well as the State. Supposed to be a 3 days waiting period, total, not 3 days for each individually. At the Federal level, I was approved instantly, at the State level it took 10 days. The dealer that did the transfer said I got lucky, mine was quick. She has recently had waits of up to 18 days.
In case anyone missed it......

There has been a gun buying frenzy since mid March, first because of Covid 19 panicking, then folks spending their Trump bucks, then in the last couple of weeks riot panic buying. Followed now by defund the police panic buying.

There is always going to be panic buying of guns and ammunition. Be prepared.

This panic buying results in higher than normal FBI NICS checks and therefore delays. It's nothing new, and has happened many times in the twelve years I've been an FFL.

It's not "3 days", never has been. It's "three business days beginning the next business day, not including Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or days that state offices are closed". Meaning if you run the check on a Friday, it's "delayed", the first business day (normally) is Monday. The Brady Law does not prohibit the transfer of the firearm on that Thursday. "Does not prohibit" doesn't mean the dealer has to, and some dealers choose to wait for a "proceed" response.

If there are holidays or state offices are shut down for any reason, then that delay may take longer than what you think is normal. FBI NICS will tell the dealer a specific date that he may transfer the firearm.
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So question Dogtown, we’ve done business together before (M107A1 & Suppressor) and I have a Texas LTC.
“If” you had a gun in stock I wanted and I had cash, how long would it take to do the paperwork and give me the gun?
TXAZ So question Dogtown, we’ve done business together before (M107A1 & Suppressor) and I have a Texas LTC.
“If” you had a gun in stock I wanted and I had cash, how long would it take to do the paperwork and give me the gun?
As long as it takes you to complete the 4473 and me to write down your TX LTC info....less than five minutes.

Texas is one of the states with a firearm permit that serves as an exemption to the FBI NICS check.
So, not sure it is of any help...but when I bought my Taurus G3 a few weeks ago it was instant. I do have a CWP so that probably helped.
Wow Mike38 I'm surprised you have to pass BOTH? I'd think the fed check would be enough to cover state?

Yep, one would think the Federal level check would be sufficient, but we are talking Illinois here. Also in Illinois, being a CCL holder doesn't make a bit of difference for the background check like it does in many states. And you still have to maintain a FOID card on top of the CCL card. Same ID number on both cards, but one is not valid without the other. That is pure revenue generation. They deny that it is, but they aren't fooling me.
NICS checks...saw a guy get through the paper work including the NICS check in about 10 minutes at my local gun store this week. (Twin Cities, Minnesota).
I've bought a half a dozen guns in the past 2 months at two different FFLs here in Maine. All six times the nics check was instant. I have bought a lot of guns over the last 3 decades, and i have never once been delayed. i have a VERY unique middle name, which likely helps. I also always provide my SSN, which is optional. Are you guys that are getting delayed supplying your SSN?
Mike38 Not sure of your state MikeGoob, but can tell you what it's like in Illinois. I recently purchased a handgun. Here in Illinois you have to pass the Federal NICS as well as the State. Supposed to be a 3 days waiting period, total, not 3 days for each individually. At the Federal level, I was approved instantly, at the State level it took 10 days. The dealer that did the transfer said I got lucky, mine was quick. She has recently had waits of up to 18 days
Wait a this something new?:confused:
Illinois dealers don't contact FBI NICS directly, but a state agency who serves as the state "point of contact" for NICS. ISP is the state POC.
According to every reference I can find, Illinois has a mandatory 72 hour WAITING period on firearm purchases. That's not the same as a delay on your NICS status.

Do you have a source for the "State" background check requirement? I ask because I can find no mention of a separate state background check for Illinois:
Illinois has the state POC portal for NICS checks, nothing for a "state check":
Neither does the Giffords nitwits, and they would LOVE as many checks/hurdles/obstacles to impeded you:

On any FBI NICS check, if there is information required from a state agency to determine if the buyer is prohibited....NICS will not issue a "proceed". Thats why your statement is confusing.....A buyer would not receive a Federal proceed and be delayed on the State background check.....thats nonsensical.

I think you may be confused about how FBI NICS checks are run in Illinois.
dogtown tom, I'm going by what the lady at the gun shop told me. She could very well be wrong. Yes, 72 hour waiting / cool off period for all guns in Illinois, even long guns. Used to be 72 hrs for handgun, 24 hrs for long guns. She said that the Illinois part of the background check is what is delaying current purchases. I passed the federal part instantly, but could not take possession for 72 hours. The Illinois part is backlogged. Took 10 days for me. I haven't bought a new gun in years, many years, so it's all new to me.