How is everyone in LA (earthquake)?

Red Bull

New member
I am in Phoenix currently and I just felt some serious earth movement. It rolled my building pretty violently. I turned the CNN news on (the only live news on at 3 am) to see that LA had a 7.0 earthquake. The news has no more info.
Do we have any members there that can give us updates on damage as well as the aftermath such as possible panic or looting etc?
Hell A needs to get shaken - preferably about the throat...

But what about Hurricane Irene - Are our TFL Brothers in Florida doing okay? News said Florida has lost 5 so far.

Rich - you really do need to move out west here... We have the warmth - and less humidity to rust out your guns when your not looking!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I am within 60 miles it was centered in Hector near previous landers quake, Im near riverside and san bernardino, unfortunatly it was not centered in LA I was hoping it would fall into the ocean, maybe give the liberal freaks something besides guncontrol to talk about, maybe earthquake legislation?

Didnt feel very strong here, just a bunch of overblown media and liberal hysteria.

Been here over 25 years so maybe im desensitized?

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON
Sorry forgot to metion sky lit-up with blowing up transformers obviouly not connected to my pc, if looters want to get some, I welcome them in my neighborhood.
Definitely felt that one! I usually don't even wake up if it's less than a 5 but this one was a ride. I live in orange Co. KA. Looks like the worst damage is a derailed amtrack, no fatalities.

No big deal. Felt like someone was shaking the bed, trying to wake me. The only remarkable aspect was its length. I did see some transformers sparking in the darkness.

My major gripe is the epicenter is within a few miles of, what would have been today's shooting destination.
Living in KA, this is nothing new. I thought my wife was bouncing on the bed trying to get me excited.