How I was almost got made in the Supermarket.


New member
When I got done running last night the G/F asked me to run to the Supermarket for some dinner rolls to have with the homecooked meal she was preparing. I slipped on the old trusty Sig 232 in Alessi Talon holster. I chose this gun b.c. of my mode of dress(pants with an elastic waist band). So I am standing at the Magazine rack reading Gun Rag monthly when the fattest 6 y.o. boy comes running up behind me and darn near bumps into my gun. Thankfully his fat little feet gave him away and I turned toward the thunderous noise in time to avoid collision.
Beware of fat 6y.o. and the magazine rack.

PS Dinner was good.
Got too deep in the magazine (paper type), and slipped into Condition White, huh? Thanks for the tip, since I like to hit the mag rack at the store too.
My wife almost made me when I dropped her off at the airport this morning. She went to hug, but I went for her hips first. Amazing that after a year or so she hasn't noticed. Of course, wintertime in the midwest makes concealment a lot easier.


I got made once in a super market...

In the back room on top of 60# bags of sugar...

That was with my single shot, of course...

I was 19, she was 42, and a grandmother...

Just the sweetest gal with freckles all over her...

Tighter than a banjo string...

Ahhhhhhhhhh...such memories...
It did not happen to me, but I have been reliably informed that one of life's less happy moments is when your four year old daughter stands up in the grocery cart and screams at the top of her dear little lungs "DADDY'S CARRYING A GUN!!!" It does attract attention.

Small children running wild in a store should be beaten and returned to the parent(s).

The parents, on the other hand, should be beaten SEVERELY for allowing their kids to run wild.
When we visited the Titanic Exhibit in Tampa, FL last year, the did the absolute STUPIDIST thing. The organizers put a metal dectector in place NOT near the entrance, but about 30 minutes from the begining of the line - so I had to run back to the car and remove my pistol. Unbeknownst to me, my father-in-law announces to those passing the rest of the family that they are waiting for his son-in-law to return from the car because he carries a gun and didn't know there was a metal dectector. Talk about strange looks the rest of the time.
When we visited the Titanic Exhibit in Tampa, FL last year, the did the absolute STUPIDIST thing. The organizers put a metal dectector in place NOT near the entrance, but about 30 minutes from the begining of the line - so I had to run back to the car and remove my pistol. Unbeknownst to me, my father-in-law announces to those passing the rest of the family that they are waiting for his son-in-law to return from the car because he carries a gun and didn't know there was a metal dectector. Talk about strange looks the rest of the time.

Can't you just present your CCW as you pass through the metal detector? Was this in a place where guns are prohibited by law?

In 20 years of carrying concealed, (not all of it legally!) I've never been made. (knocking furiously on wood) but there WAS an incident once where a friend of mine and I were out and about.
He was packing a nifty little Detonics .45 in some horrible "One size fits none" nylon holster, bent over to get something off a bottom shelf and KLACK! Out falls the pistol onto the floor in the middle of the Supermarket!
He went immediately to Condition Red(face) and I went into "I'm not with this guy" mode.
It's been about 15 years now, and I STILL razz him about it!
(What are friends for?)