How high is your bowhunting treestand?


New member
Just curious how high most people like to go up?

I usually go about 30 feet but I'm hearing that might be too high for the right angle?
The highest Ive been was about 45' up a pine tree. Gets a little nervy when the wind starts blowing, 3' to the left and 3' to the right. It would rock you to sleep if it werent for the fear. The purpose of that was more for recon than hunting, however I did end up shooting a hog from that height. I have had no trouble with the <, but believe 20 to 30 is plenty. Just practice your shot from that height.
I do real well between 10-15 feet. I can't imagine being 45 feet up in a tree with a bow, that's what, 4 or 5 stories high! I like to take my shots inside 25 yards, preferably within 20. If 15 yards up I would already be close to my limit when the deer is right below me. I think the angle of the shot, when that high, makes double lung hits nearly impossible. The kill zone gets reduced greatly also.

Why are you climbing 30 feet high now? If you are wondering if it is too high, I would say that it is. Confidence is very important when good shot placement is needed. There are less branches in the way when you stay a little bit lower also.

I got a doe with my flintlock from a 10 foot high stand just last Thursday. The group of deer never knew I was there, despite the florescent orange requirement.
30ft is nice since they don't see you as easy. 20ft is probably plenty high once you get accustom to sitting still for long periods. Drawing back at 20ft or less is a bit more challenging. You should definately take some practice at 30ft. and move the target close and far from the tree to see how your aimpoint needs to be adjusted. Anything steeper than 45degees might change your point.
The height I typically used is often dictated by terrain and the forest canopy. I try to place myself if the lower edge of the canopy so I can still see, but I still have cover.

To answer your question directly, I find most often I am between 22 and 26 feet.

Overall I think you will be happier at 20 to 25 feet, but there will be circumstances where 30 feet will work well for you.

At this time of year anything higher then 15' may have your field of vision to cluttered. During gun season I have been as high as 50ish ft in big white pines in N Wis.
Make sure you are safe in your climber! I did fall asleep once(or couple dozen times) and almost fell out!:eek: Wear a harness. :)
Most of my permanent stands are 12-15' high, but I do have a few lock-ons set around 20'. The highest I go in my climbers is 25', becasue that's how long my pull-up rope is!:)
Yah My pull rope is 25 feet long and thats about where I stop. I use a tree lounge. They are a little heavy but once you get up in a tree you can go to sleep if you want. Those tree climbers are nice.
6 1/2 feet high, 5 yards away from Mr. Six-tine

I am up 6 1/2 feet on the side of a hill. I am at eye level with two knolls where trails cross and come down nearby, offering multiple shooting lanes from 7 to 27 yards distance. I will not be silhouetted when the leaves are down.

Last saturday a 6 point buck, probably a 2 1/2 year old, got downwind of me, smelled my acorn wafer I was wearing and walked up to the barbed wire fence 5 yards from my stand. He sniffed and looked for acorns. After about 5 minutes he saw me and kept looking and sniffing. He walked back and forth there for a half hour and finally something seemed wrong and he ran 20 yards away and blew for a few minutes before going down in the swale to rub a sapling. A wonderful experience, well worth the price of the ticket. I had to resist shooting him, he has a narrow high rack and in two more years will be just beautiful. I want a small apartment freezer sized doe. We are practicing QDM on this property. This will be the year for my doe, I am sure. I am certainly in the right place!:)

I saw the same buck yesterday. I have named him Mr. Six-tine.:) He waIked right behind my hang-on stand when I was 25 yards away in my climber. I hope he gets a girl friend and settles in the suburbs away from poachers and has a good long life.:)