How Has Your Taste In Firearms Changed Over The Years?


New member
I started shooting in about 1975. Mostly with a Remington single shot bolt action rifle. Quickly decided that I really liked handguns better than long guns and ended up with a Ruger MKI .22. I must have put 100,000 rounds through that Ruger. Then I got a then new Ruger GP100 .357 revolver, my first new gun. After that, I began spending every spare dime I had on various handguns and reloading gear. After some reflection, I figure over the years I have owned over 120 different handguns, sometimes the same one more than once. I got into the tactical, high capacity semis, the big bore revolvers with maxed out handloads, the precision bullseye guns like Walther GSP’s and Pardini’s. But as I age (I am 54), I find I gravitate, buy, and like to shoot the classic .22 revolvers and SAA’s the most. The wheelguns from Colt and S&W and the Uberti SAA clones are the guns that give me the most enjoyment at the range and here at our ranch.
As a Life member of SNM-Sons of Neanderthal Man-I am a real stuck in the mud. No polymer or aluminum or exotic frames, no "safe" actions, etc. Steel and walnut-OK, stainless steel and rubber grips is a good combo.
As a Life member of SNM-Sons of Neanderthal Man-I am a real stuck in the mud. No polymer or aluminum or exotic frames, no "safe" actions, etc. Steel and walnut-OK, stainless steel and rubber grips is a good combo.

Yes sir. Blued steel, stainless steel, wood grips (stag and ivory great as well), and leather holsters work just fine for this shooter.
I started down the handgun path with a few dedicated hunting rigs- TC contenders and encores. It quickly morphed into a plastic fantastic obsession, only to be replaced by a wheel gun madness. Luckily, I recovered and got into bullseye and 1911s. Today, nothing makes me happier than a nice 22 auto and a brick of ammo.
My taste hasn’t changed but my needs have. No more birds so no need for SXS shotguns. On the other hand I’ve had my CCW for 10 years so it is all about plastic.

My love of blued steel and walnut is strong as ever, it’s just that love now comes at a cost that I find exorbitant so I cherish what I have and buy what I need instead of what I want.

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Long, short, or inbetween.
Load it, aim it, pull the trigger, and it goes boom.
Style, mechanics, or materials used all secondary.
Times and conditions have changed.

When Ike was President I preferred single shot rifles and 410 shotguns. And woods. In fact was squirrel hunting on the Catoctin ridgeline once when suddenly a whole bunch of men in suits appeared and asked me just what I thought I was doing. I explained that so far I wasn't doing very much since about all I'd done so far was annoy a few critters. They laughed and explained I was on government property and so no hunting was allowed but if I'd head back beyond a creek I'd passed about ten minutes earlier all would be fine. I apologized and said I hadn't known there was a military base around there and they said it was more a meeting place.

By the time Kennedy was President I was more likely to be carrying a small Beretta pocket pistol. That remained the norm until I moved to Arizona during the Johnson Administration. It was pretty normal to see folk wearing a handgun at the time and since it was a whole new world for me; like all my life I had been wearing dirty glasses, a Smith model 19 became my preferred handgun. In town and around town it was loaded with 38 Special and when in the mountains or deserts with 357.

When I moved to California a heavier gun for the 357 caught my fancy and so a Highway Patrolman was my pick until Ronald Reagan made it illegal for a citizen to publicly carry a loaded gun, and then small once again became my pick of the litter. A few Smith J frames became the norm and that pretty much remained my primary choice. There were others of course, HP and HP clones, lots of Sigs, a few Berettas but the snub nose revolver remained the most often carried handgun.

When in the wilds a Smith or Colt 45acp revolver was also a common choice for many decades. I tried to like the 1911 format but honestly we just never really meshed.

Lately though I have returned to the modern version of where I was at the time Kennedy was President with small size, small cartridge pocket pistols. Today there really are quite a few more choices than there were back then and today's 380acp sure aint the same thing I shot back then either.
Best I can remember, I started shooting 'bout 1955 with assistance from Dad. Remington Fieldmaster 22 LR pump. He still has it and it is the only 22 he uses even though he has a few others. At 89 years old, he doesn't shoot a lot these days.

One day we were in the creek bottom just messing around and he asked if I wanted to shoot his shotgun, an old 12 ga double. "Sure I did".

Mom crouched down behind me (I think she knew something) and Dad stood beside me on the right since I am left handed. I ripped on barrel off and started flying backward, Dad caught the shotgun and Mom caught me. Quite an experience. He asked it I wanted to shoot it again and I deferred 'til next time.

I still have that shotgun (he gave it to me years ago).

The only style of shootin' irons I never got into was the tactical weapons (AR10 & 15) I just never wanted for one. SIL has several, two Nephews have some and so on.

I like bolt guns, lever guns, slide action guns, semi-autos.

Handguns, revolvers are my favorites and I have a few, I really the 1911 style pistols (I have 4 Colt Series 70s and one circa WWII) I have some Smiths and so on. I have never owned a Glock. I have enough others so that I don't need one. Momma took her CCW course with one, but she carries one of the Smith's.

I don't think my preference had changed over the years. Mostly, if it makes a lot of noise when pulling the trigger on a loaded chamber, I like it.
My tastes have evolved with time, most of it from being seriously financially constrained as a young man in the past, to now having the ability to fund more expensive toys, and the quest of longer range. The idea that 2-300 yards might have been long range 50 years ago (to me at least) and now I can reliably hit golf balls at 500 yards, (does that make me a golfer :) of course it does! ), or steel or paper targets at 1,000-2000 yards.
From a $40 bolt .410 in 1965, to a $300 AK in 1990 to a Barrett .50 and TrackingPoint precision rifle today, I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Primary change was from teenager to family man. Grew up with pump shotguns, lever action and bolt hunting rifles. In my 30s I picked my own guns and went for 1911, Glock and AR15. I’ve added bolt rifles (Sako and Tikka), Garands, Carbines and a lever gun, but most of my shooting is still Glock pistols and AR15 rifles.

Funny thing was when my Dad started getting Parkinson’s he had my take all his guns as he would not be using them anymore and might as well pass them on. But at the time he was still physically capable and I couldn’t see him not having at least one gun for home defense. So I bought him a pistol. He said, “Gee, Thanks, I always wanted a 9mm!” About fell over as he never bought a handgun except a Ruger Standard (mailorder).

A few years ago I did revive an interest in .22LR and now have several and they are loads of fun to take some family and a brick of ammo for a few hours. Mostly various semi-auto rifles and pistols.

One of my first guns was a Ruger Redhawk .44 mag customized with a 4”barrel. One of my worst ideas was to have traded it and realized later what a wonderful trigger it had and how dang accurate it was. Now I have a S&W M29 Mountain Gun which I like even more. One of my favorites at the range and often recall that was the cartridge that forced me into the enjoyable hobby of reloading.
How Has Your Taste In Firearms Changed Over The Years?

It really hasn't. First shots were a Remington 510 .22 LR in 1958. I just developed a love for rifles. When I came home from Vietnam in '72 I began reloading. I had this fascination with hand loaded ammunition and snipers which was unusual as I never was one or even was around any. My love of the rifle continued to the present. I have some fine handguns including older S&W revolvers with a few Colts tossed in and enjoy them but it's now and always was rifles. Blued steel and walnut preferred but all rifles are good, I just like some more than others. :)

My first guns were for bird hunting. An H&R single shot that I "shared" with my older brother (ha!), followed by an 870 Wingmaster, which my dad got parkerized for me a few years later. My dad was never much on gun maintenance, so he was fond of low or no maintenance finishes. Apparently, this apple didn't fall far from that tree. If you looked in my safe, you'd see lots of different shades of matte.

I can't say that my "taste" in guns has changed, but I've become more inclusive . . . Thirty years ago, I didn't even pick up Glocks at the gun show. I knew I didn't need one of those plastic pistols. For many years, I had one .357 revolver and one .22 semiauto, but those were the only pistols I had. I was probably 35 before I got another, larger caliber semiauto. And when I did, in line with my tastes, I picked up a parkerized 1911 in .45. Eventually, I decided to give 9mm and the plastic fantastics a try. They work, and I carry them. I'm impressed with their simplicity. I have to admit, though, that the 1911 still has a Wow Factor for me that the modern polymers just don't.
Mostly like the older .22s. Have bought several over the past 5 years. But also like older Winchesters centerfires. This last year picked up a 1892 in .25-20 and a 1885 in .32-20.
Great question. I went from all steel pistols (HKs, SIGs, Beretta’s), to polymer guns (Glock). The reason? I began to carry full time. Bullseye shooting wasn’t nearly as important as fast and light was.

Now I’m transitioning the way I aim. I’m getting into red dots.

That and I don’t know why I bought an AR, but dang is it fun!
My first gun was a Sig P228. I hated the squishy Glock trigger compared to the clean crisp break of the P228 in single action. I'm not a big guy so there was no way I could carry the P228 comfortably so I got a Glock 26. I carried that for a long while before I decided to go even smaller and get a Kahr PM9. I was pretty happy with that for a while before I got a Glock 43, which is my current carry gun.

By the way, I hated the .45 acp and the 1911 platform for the longest time. I am not sure what made me get a Sig P245, but I could not shoot it worth a darn. I shot very well with my P228 and P229, but the P245 had to go. I ended up getting a Les Baer Thunder Ranch Special and it is one of my favorite guns to shoot.

The worst part about my taste in firearms is that my taste has gotten more expensive. Once you shoot the nicer stuff, the more mundane stuff just doesn't satisfy you as much any more. LOL
I began with and only owned former military rifles .
Now I only own civilian rifles in military calibers that can easially shoot under an inch at one hundred meters with good factory ammo.
Oh, all my rifles are scoped now
Im 21, I have spent some time shooting but never really got into it until recently. So my tastes have gone
from hunting rifle and some pistol - Oh AR's are fun. Guess Ill buy 50 of those.
When I started paying for my own weapons and accessory's I only bought what I thought was the best. To this day I don't regret my buying behaviour concerning those long ago purchases. As what I bought then is highly coveted today by those knowing> collectables.
Leupold 3s _H/K_ Rem & Citori _ SIG Sauer_ Medalist & Series 70s_ as of late L-W-S Seecamp of all things.
The only differences in my purchases & pleasures today? >Mouse Guns I find interesting & highly entertaining at the same moment. Becoming 25 yrd proficient at {point & shoot?} Takes allot of fortitude >No_doubt about that!