How gun confiscation works part 2

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Mr. Evan Thomas. There are plenty of real world examples of tyrannical despots and governments first registering guns and then confiscating them. Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and dozens of others that have been well documented. I was pointing out how even in the fantasy world of Hollywood, they showed to their audience how it works. Haven't you heard the phrase art many times imitates life? Quite frankly, I found your response pretty heavy handed and condescending. Closing the thread just shows your lack of respect for views different from your own. Yes my comments were revelant. Please be a little more opened minded and apply some critical thinking. Will ya?
The tv show "The Walking Dead" episode last Sunday had gun registration preceding confiscation as the main topic.
When Hollywood gets it, that's really something.
A lot of people watch that show.
It could have plenty of effect that examples of other countries far away and long ago might not.
Many many examples of opposing countries/peoples taking over and dictating their own views. All the way back to the Romans, Alexander the Great, the Crusades. Not sure Mr. Evans got that link between "fantasy" and reality; however, he did certainly and definitively show his ability to leverage his opinions over all members of this forum.
The continual efforts of local daimyo as well as Shoguns to disarm the peasants in Japan is another good example.
Starting a second thread after the first is closed to air grievances with the moderator is an interesting approach. I think a private message would increase the chances of resolution. It appears that resolution is not really the goal though. Evan Thomas is probably the most laid back person on staff here, based on my experience.

There are countless sites where any topic under the sun can be discussed. Starting a thread here to remind us that art imitates life, or life imitates art seems silly to me. Of course Evan said that more graciously.
Since I don't watch those tv shows, I'm not quite sure what is being depicted. Basically, did the show go into any details about how guns were registered and then show how the government used the registration lists to confiscate guns?
In a nutshell Skans, bully rules by fear, takes payment from other groups to spare their lives in the form of goods/services. There is no government but there was symbolism between an armory inventory on the show that the bully uses to track down and account for the groups firearms and a what a firearms registry would be here in the real world.
"The Walking Dead" is a FICTIONAL TV SERIES. The USA has not confiscated any guns lately from the honest gun owners.,
I remember that, and when I first heard it during Katrina aftermath and I was stuck with disbelief. Then I saw the news myself. Texas passed some law as a result to prevent it from happening. It does make it easy if they know where they are.
I would remind all that one of the requirements of the General Forum is that posts must be firearms related.

We do not discuss lightsaber registration in a galaxy far, far away, here.
Nor do we do TEOTWAWKI and how they handle that on a tv show.

We do discuss the actual firearms used in fictional dramas but that's about as far into fiction as we go.

Closed as not firearms related.
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