How far is to far to get your CCW


New member
I Know a LOT of people around here that have "moved" to a different county to get their CCW, Lied on the application, and lots of other things. What is to far and what is "o.k." to get a CCW?

snoman;This is a trick question.right?
It is all a sham to identify gun owners.Why else would a government want you to go through such a procedure to get their permission before you can exercise a basic Constitutionally-protected right?
Do you think it's a matter of the money involved?

Better days to be,

I really don't think it is the money, the CCW is only $10.00 here in Minnesota...
As far as the rest of your question, I'm afraid I got lost there somewhere...


[This message has been edited by snoman (edited March 12, 1999).]
What the other gentlemen was trying to explain is that we, as a life form, have the right to defend ourselves. The Bill of rights does not GRANT us this right, it merely recognizes certain inalienable rights of free men.
We have the right to speak our minds, the right to choose our own leaders and the right to defend ourselves with firearms if need be.
It is an infringement on our rights for a government to require us to take training or license ourselves to carry a gun.
There are also responsibilities inherent in exercising our rights. If we shout "fire" in a crowded theater, we are liable to civil or criminal prosecution even though we were exercising oour right of free speech. In the same way, if we choose not to train with our firearms and we accidently discharge same in that same crowded theater, we are again liable to civil or criminal prosecution.
You see, there are already natural balances in place within a healthy society to see that people who misuse their freedoms are punished - my right to shake my fist ends when it contacts your nose.
Government is supposed to protect our rights not find ways to limit them.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Anything that would put you in jeopardy of losing your future CCW or Gun Ownership rights (lying on the application, etc...) would be going to far, IMHO.
Between obidence to unjust laws and an armed revolt against them lies civil disobedience. Are restrictions on CCW laws worth disobeying? Do we sit in the back of the bus so we can at least ride it...or sit up front and risk having to walk?

Cornered "but cheery" Rat
Well put Mr. Cornered Rat. I have always found this a delimna. On one hand, it is important to stand up for what one believes is right, and fight for that ideal. On the other hand, under the current increasingly oppressive regime, I personally do not want to be a target. Our society is rather intoxicating in some ways. We are inculcated from youth with the "American Dream." The media tells the population what it should be and how to live, and then shows them (us) what they need to buy to achieve that life. This is all a grand farce, but we are bombarded with it constantly.

How far is too far for CCW? I have to think more about this and have been recently. While in general, I do not fear for myself or my family where I live; I would like to excercise my rights. I just wonder if the machinations are more than I want...
I am not advocating anything here, but in almost every case you are better off to carry without a CCW than to lie on the application. and at least your honor is intact.
I'll go along with Rob on carrying without a permit. Here in Georgia, first offense carrying without a permit is a misdemeanor. Even if convicted you can still obtain a permit three years after the end of supervision of a conviction. Second offense while under supervision is a felony. Second offense if not under supervision is again a misdemeanor.

Do I agree with the fairness and justice of the above? NO! But it is the situation here in Georgia.

Rather than shoot yourself in the foot by lying on the application- move to another county for real, work with the legislature to change the law, move to Vermont, move to another shall issue state.

Getting the law changed is the best alternative.