How far can you shoot accurately without a scope on...

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First you would need to define "accurately"
Since those rifles have no iron sights, I suspect it's not very far
I'm not young and it's hard to do well past 100m with irons. Anything further scope time for me.
That's with my 700/.270, also I've never even seen the type you're asking about. With no sights, as stated, then perhaps a washing machine at 10m three out of five shots. I'd already hit prior to realizing the specifics so bear with me here.
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Without any sights at all, not far. With quality iron sights the difference in group size compared to optics is a lot less than many think. Optics help you see the target easier especially in poor light. In good light an experienced shooter can hit man sized targets out to at least 500 yards. Many much farther.
"I'm a rookie. I guess my definition of accurate would be within a radius of about 10 meters."

10 meters radius is a barn sized target. Even with senior citizen eyes, I'm sure I can hit a barn @1000 yards if I have a spotter to help walk them in. We'll ASSume you're going to allow the use of sights.
Google "George Farr and the 1921 Camp Perry." For an old guy (62) he really had his stuff in one bag. No doubt that man could shoot.
try a sharps rifle. 50-90 thru -110. out to able to go 1000 yards+ with that one.
heck, i do 1000 yards with a 50-70 gov. with open sights.
I think for any reasonable shooter it will be as far as they can clearly see. For me, it's about 30 yards if I'm just shooting for groups. For hunting, I could probably take a shot around 50-75 yards and be confident in a kill. Type of iron sight matters too. I like peep sights, but can't shoot very well with buckhorns.

Remember, scopes don't make you more accurate, they just allow you to see farther. Scope or no, all the same principles of good shooting apply.
With my 1894 30-30 lever action and a Williams peep about 150 yards which is about the limit of the round for deer. I have gone to 600 yards using a 45-90 and a ladder peep sight. Some guys in Eastern Washington regularly go to 1000 yards. Not me though.
I'm absolutely terrific with my trusty air rifle - at ten yards. :)
For a ten yard radius circle, pretty sure I can hit that by throwing the entire rifle.
Or did you mean being able to shoot in a ten yard radius while doing somersaults.
Lots of people shoot Service Rifle and Match Rifle matches at 1000 yards.

That's ARs, M14s (M1A), and Garand's Then there are Match Rifles, Any Rifle-Iron sights.

I've shot all three, my best 1000 yard scores I've shot, shooting for the AK NG was with the M1A.

For info: The X-10 Ring on the NRA HP 1000 yard target is 20 inches in diameter or about 2 MOA.

Besides the environment (wind, mirage, etc) its about seeing your target.

So in HP they increase the size of the black aiming circle. For example on the 200 yard target, the X-10-9 rings are black. At 300 the 8 ring is also black and at 1000 the 7 ring is black too.

So the black bullseye looks about the same size setting on your front sight.

Like any other shooting, how well you shoot at distance is related to how much practice you do.
Too many variables. It depends on the shooter, the sights, the rifle and the round. It also depends on your expectations.

Once upon a time, people hunted deer out to 300 yards with iron sighted .30-30s. People regularly shoot iron sight service rifles out to 1000 yards. When I was in the Army, we had to shoot a qualification with iron sights at 460 yards, that is the longest range that I personally have ever shot irons with.

Ever see "Quigley Down Under"? Yeah, those longer barrel Sharps really are that accurate, but you had to be able to accurately guess the range.
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What is accurate? Pie plate @ 100 yards? 1 MOD (minute of deer)? This is really a subjective question relying on the eyesight (age?) of the shooter.

Just a thought.....

I hit the side of a hill I was aiming at 3 KM away with a 23 mm gun 3 times in a row. Does that count?
[QUOTEI'm a rookie. I guess my definition of accurate would be within a radius of about 10 meters.][/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure I could hit a 65 ft (10 Meter radius) circle with a .308
without sights at a total "bullet distance traveled" range of a bit over
5,000 yards without using any sights.

2,500 yds. straight up, 2,500 yds. straight down.:)
Yeah, a 10 meter target is about as big as a 39 foot long barn. That's a big target.

As I have gotten older, my eyes are not quite as good as they used to be, but years ago, while in the Marines, I earned my 3rd award bar for my expert shooting badge. We did not use scopes then either.
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