How even should a buckshot pattern be?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I have patterned my Winchester 1300 and found that the 20 pellets impact in a pattern less than even. Sometimes two pellets cluster close by and another area would have none.

The evenness seems to improve a little with plated shot but not by much. How much practical bearing would this have on HD situations?
Well nigh none, Oleg. Premium loads and custom smithing can improve the patterns, but if all the pellets fall into 2 feet at 20 yards, it'll work.

FYI, I used a duty shotgun and ammo in a test some years back. Out of ten rounds, none kept all 9 pellets on an FBI type silohuette at 25 yards. Same results with my own 870, zero choke but forcing cone done.

However, we're talking more than HD range. At 10 yards, 5-7" groups were standard.
Thats a good question Oleg, I am curious if I should expect a similar pattern repeatedly or will it vary from shot to shot. Used for HD.
20-pellet #3 buck (.24cal pellets) seems to fill a doorway width at about 75ft. At 50ft all 20 stay within a torso width, at 20ft a headshot is possble with little scatter. The pattern is fairly irregular with busk and a little better with #4. Not sure about #8, all looked like Swiss cheese.

Unlike all other shotguns that I have tried, this 1300 Defender points very well from the hip or shoulder. I was amazed by that because my first try with an old bolt-action 20ga Stevens messed up the sky instead of my target. Wouldn't want to depend on hip shooting though.

Both slugs and shot centered about 2" left at 75ft which probably means I am not holding my head right...any suggestions on getting the right cheeck weld?
For the cheek weld, because you'reusing that shotgun wanting rifle accuracy, use a rifle stands, blade your body more towards the target. Check your head placement, inrelation to the stock. Tilt head forward some, this will cause you to look out the upper left region of your eye (right handed, or if you're a lefty, the upper rightside)This will actually aid in consistant stock welds. Consider the sights, what type?

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