How Does Your State Enforce the "No CCW" Signs?


New member
Posted this in another post but thought I'd open a discussion on it....

I live in Kentucky and thankfully it is not against the law to ignore the no CCW signs (unless its a government building) at your local Wally Worlds and such. For example, if caught with a CCW at Wally World, they have the right to ask you to leave. If you don't leave, they have the right to have you arrested for trespassing. The arrest has nothing to do with a CCW so those signs are pretty easy to ignore. If busted with a CCW, walk out the store and that is the end of it.

During our CCW course, we were actually instructed to ignore them. The thought process is that there were more chances for ND accidents while arming and disarming just to walk inside the Quickie Mart for milk. Leaving a gun in your car isn't the best way to secure it either after dude parked next to you sees you disarm and exit your vehicle.

Kentucky has some "common sense" gun laws that actually make sense.

Just curious, how does your state enforce their no CCW signs? Fines? Lose your license? No punishment at all?
In SC the sign requirements are stated and as long as they meet the sign requirements you are in violation if caught ignoring them. I think it is a $200 fine and 30 days. For a second offense you lose your CWP for a year in addition.

If it is posted in SC it is best not to ignore the signs but very few places I have seen are posted properly. If the signs don't meet the regulations all they can do is ask you to leave but I am not sure if they can force you to leave just because of the gun.
In Utah, "No CCW" signs have no legal weight. CCW is also legal in state and local government buildings, including schools.
In Oregon the no CCW signs do not have any legal weight unless you are "made" and asked to leave. If you don't leave you can be prosecuted for trespassing.
TX is about the same. Ignore it, if you are asked to leave, then do so.

However, I approach it another way. If they don't welcome CHLs and post a sign, I take my $ elsewhere...and usually make it a point to tell the management first. "Gee, I was looking forward to eating/shopping/etc. here, but that sign has convinced me that I'll be going to (insert name here) instead"... :)
In Utah, "No CCW" signs have no legal weight. CCW is also legal in state and local government buildings, including schools.

How does Utah get around the Federal law concerning schools? The below is taken right out of the US code.

18 U.S.C. § 922(q). Except as authorized, may not possess or discharge
a firearm in a school zone. Punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment.
How does Utah get around the Federal law concerning schools? The below is taken right out of the US code

Except as authorized

Federal law allows for state law to regulate carry in schools. If state law allows one to carry a firearm on school property, then the Federal law doesn't apply.

In MI, I think the 1st offense is $500 civil infraction, 6mos license suspended. 2nd is $1000 civil infraction, 1yr license suspended. 3rd is $1000 civil infraction and lose your license for life.
922 (q) 2 B says the ban does not apply:
(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license;

Properly authorized concealed carry at a school has been determined by the Congress not to cause undue disruption to interstate commerce.
"Pa is the same as Kantuck. if ask to leave and don't it's a trespass beef"

I was just wondering about this yesterday and couldn't even find the PA code online.
In my state they just shoot you if you are carrying a gun...:barf::mad:

Permits are "permitted" if you are very well connected, other than that it is openly known that you will be denied.
I'm in Utah and have never seen a sign. Even if there were, you're only going to be invited to leave or face a tresspassing ticket.:cool:

No legal weight unless they ask you to leave, and then if you refuse you can be cited for trespassing. The signs also have to be of a certain size (11"x17", with letting at least 1" high) or they aren't considered valid. However, most places can ask you to leave for any reason, so even if they have a nonbinding sign, they may still request that you leave.

As for your local Wal-Mart, if it is posted you really ought to contact WM corporate about it, since corporate policy is NOT to post. If it is posted, a store, district, or regional manager has gone off the reservation and is violating corporate policy.
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As for your local Wal-Mart, if it is posted you really ought to contact WM corporate about it, since corporate policy is NOT to post. If it is posted, a store, district, or regional manager has gone off the reservation and is violating corporate policy.

My local Wal-Marts are not posted and used Wally just as an example. I did not know that it was Wally's policy to NOT post. I find that very interesting.
My local Wal-Marts are not posted and used Wally just as an example. I did not know that it was Wally's policy to NOT post. I find that very interesting.

Other folks (not myself) have come across posted Wal-Marts and contacted corporate about it. Their official policy is to allow legal CCW in store so long as it is not displayed. If it is displayed and somebody complains, the management may ask you to leave (or just to cover it up better). Those who contacted corporate were successful in having the signs removed. Occasionally at store level an ignorant (in the classical sense usually, sometimes in the general sense) employee will state that the store prohibits CCW as a matter of policy, but that is incorrect. If that is policy at a store, it is because the manager has imposed it without the knowledge, consent, or approval of the folks in Bentonville.
Other folks (not myself) have come across posted Wal-Marts and contacted corporate about it. Their official policy is to allow legal CCW in store so long as it is not displayed. If it is displayed and somebody complains, the management may ask you to leave (or just to cover it up better). Those who contacted corporate were successful in having the signs removed. Occasionally at store level an ignorant (in the classical sense usually, sometimes in the general sense) employee will state that the store prohibits CCW as a matter of policy, but that is incorrect. If that is policy at a store, it is because the manager has imposed it without the knowledge, consent, or approval of the folks in Bentonville.

I work at Wal-Mart and we do not have any posted firearm restrictions.

Store policy is that all firearms -- we only sell rifles -- brought into or out of the store must be walked through the store by a manager.

One day one of the CSSs asked if I had seen a man of a certain description because he apparently was carrying a CCW. She said he was not allowed to carry a firearm in the store. I told her that if he held a valid CCW that it should not be a problem.

I told her that if she wanted I would talk to him if they found him; but if he held a vailid CCW I would simply say "Welcome to Wal-Mart."

He had apparently already left by that time.