How Does the Proposed UN Gun Ban Affect Me?

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New member
I need someone who knows the language of the law to tell me how the proposed UN Gun Ban backed by Hillary Clinton and President Obama will affect me as an American Citizen.

I've never been one to fall into the hands of the Propaganda Machine, but after a little research .... this really looks to me to be a real threat.

Again, I'm a very rational individual and always try and get the facts before I make an educated decision on something. People ... this seriously has me worried!

Here are a few sites where I found my information.
UN General Assembly Resolution A/C.1/64/L.38/Rev.1, Oct. 28: …Acknowledging also the right of States to regulate internal transfers of arms and national ownership, including through national constitutional protections on private ownership, exclusively within their territory…

I am thinking since I buy mostly American, not too much. Prices might rise due to the closure of some foreign suppliers and the subsequent switch to domestic products but that it about it. Till the invasion of the Blue Helmeted Army from Lower Manhattan that is.
Considering the language in the proposed treaty, and the natural protections we have in our Constitutional process, I'd say it doesn't.
Also remember that treaties have to be ratified by the Senate. Given the current political climate for gun control, I'd such such ratification has the same chance as that of a snowball fight in Hades.
SO .... that brings me to this question.

Who stands to benefit from scaring honest gun owners in this present state of recession?

Kind of makes you think doesn't it? :confused:

After all .... all other hobby related industries are reporting record lows in profit, but the firearms related industries are reporting record highs.:cool:
The same people who are/ are not destroying military brass depending upon the day of the week and how bad for PR it is?
Since we've now moved to the question of who stands to benefit, we've just moved into the entirely political realm.

Original question asked and answered.
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