How does one help protect the 2nd amendment?


New member
I would like this thread to be one where people can get ideas from others who may know of good ways or methods, or organizations to invest time into if one is interested in protecting our country's right to bear arms. I, myself am already investing time and money into the NRA and would like to learn more info from others who are more experienced perhaps.

thank you
The biggest obstacles in my opinion are fear and ignorance. We can allay fear only by being an examples of a firearms owners who brings safety, security, and our basic humanity along with our vehement defense of our rights. Nothing is more threatening to a person unfamiliar with firearms than an angry gun owner.

Ignorance is more difficult to combat because media reinforces it everyday. Shooting sports are a great vehicle for increasing familiarity and combating ignorance, because we live in a world where everyone expects to entertained, and everything's a contest these days: Iron Chef, America's got talent, etc.

If you can make a fierce competition out of cooking dinner, surely an IPSC match could be filmed to be compelling television. On the side, It could feature the competitors being interviewed talking about how important the right is to preserving our liberty, dignity, and way of life. They could discuss gun safety and teach the public important gun handling lessons.
I think some of the most effective and efficient things we can all do for the RKBA are (1) set a good example and by our conduct and manners be good ambassadors for responsible gun ownership; and (2) teach new people to shoot and start them off properly and safely.

Specifically --

[1] I'm a Benefactor Life Member of the NRA and regularly contribute additional money to the NRA.

[2] I'm a Life Member of the California Rifle and Pistol Association and regularly contribute to the CFPA Foundation.

[3] I'm a Life Member of the Safari Club and regularly contribute to the SCI Foundation.

[4] For the last 10 years or so I've been an NRA certified instructor in Basic Handgun, and for the last couple of years I've also been certified for NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home, Personal Protection Outside the Home and Shotgun. Working with several other instructors I've helped put on NRA Basic Handgun and Personal Protection Classes for hundreds of students, introducing them the right way to shooting.

[5] For the last several years I've worked with a group of instructors who have organized as a non-profit, tax exempt organization to provide instruction (I secured our tax exemption from the IRS and the State Franchise Tax Board). We charge only enough to cover our costs (range fees, the ammunition we provide, the program materials we purchase and distribute, etc.).

[6] For the last 7 to 8 years, I've helped teach basic wingshooting classes at our club. I've helped introduce another several hundred new shooters to wingshooting and trap shooting.

[7] I've helped organize and coach a youth Scholastic Clay Target Program trap shooting program at our club. We've provided the opportunity for more than a hundred kids to learn and participate in shooting sports.
Great advice fiddletown.

You guys might also want to become contributing members of the Second Amendment Foundation.

I've been donating to them for years. (They were heavily involved in the Heller decision as well as in the current McDonald case.)
How to Protect Our Second Amendment Rights

Set a positive example by being a responsible gun owner.
When you see misinformation printed or reported in the media, send them a letter to set the facts straight.
When you write a letter, use facts, not hyperbole and emotion.
On your e-mail address tag line, put something to like 'I support the Second Amendment.'

Before I began shooting again, I did not know there was a problem with the Second Amendment being under attack. Your average Joe has no idea this could be a problem (I think the media and anti-Second Amendment people would like to keep it that way).
I met a guy while looking for a pistol and we became friends. The more we talked and the more I learned, the more active I became in writing letters and letting people know that most people who carry and use guns are crazed lunatics intent on destruction and mayhem.
Someone, somewhere, posted a statement that politicians are not interested in you and I. They are interested in numbers. The NRA has numbers, your local and state gun clubs have numbers. Join one or more and become active in the right to keep and bear arms (RKBA).
But the biggest thing is to keep to the facts and not fall into using cutesy phrases when talking to others.
My favorite is when talking to the tree hugger who think we should ban all kinds of hunting. Do you know how much money hunters pay in excise taxes to support our national parks and wildlife management? A portion of the money you pay for ammunition is sent to the federal government to be used for wildlife management.
1. Give to the NRA. We have to pay for those lobbyists.
2. Don't do anything that would lead people to fear guns. (No mass shootings, no needlessly brandishing guns in public, etc.)
3. Show people how enjoyable firearms can be.
Keep yourself well informed on pending anti-gun legislation and threats to our Second Amendment rights. If your local newspaper or TV station airs something that shows law abiding gunowners in a bad light then call them on it. Write to your congressman/woman.

It is important that we be able to identify and debunk conspiracy theories, distortions and outright lies. The current shortage of certain guns, reloading supplies, and ammunition is being driven by hysteria generated by those who have a vested interest in lining their pockets. This dis-information is being spread by ill-informed gunowners.
Support the NRA. They do an amazing amount for our rights.

Teach children. Continued ignorance of our rights and of the importance of firearms for civilians, historically and currently, will be the eventual destruction of those rights. Our liberal public schools and media not only won't teach this, but in fact undermine it at almost every opportunity.

Volunteer! Get the kids or non-owners out to the range, or out to the field. Teach them how to use a gun, the history, the responsibility. Encourage other gun owners and competitors to do the same. We offer discounts for police and soldiers, as well we should. But what about those tireless volunteers making a difference? Why don't ranges, shops and retailer in the gun industry support volunteers?

Contact those in power. Local, State, and Federal office holders should hear from you continually supporting the good measures and damning the bad. Let them know that their voting record on the second amendment and gun rights will determine whether you will support them in reelection.

And looking at my own list, I'm only doing 2.5/4. Time for me to find a good way to volunteer. So as not to hijack this thread:
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I open carry whenever I go out. It shows the community that it is perfectly acceptable for an American to have the means available to defend themselves. 90% of the interactions I have with people related to the gun turn out to be positive educational experiences for those that ask about it.