How does it make you feel?


Just watched the Waco film aired on HBO for the second time. I just couldn't bring myself to believe what I saw in that movie. I'm just curious as to how the rest of you feel to be a citizen in a country where the government uses unjust force, lies, and then burns people to death to cover their tracks. Then smuggly sits in the hearings and tries to tell us it wasn't their fault. I was repulsed, I was scared, I was angry, I swear it's a good thing some of those folks didn't come over to watch it. I might have been tempted to show them what it's like to have someone take on the role of Judge, Jury, and executioner. How far have we slid as a country when things like this happen? I was trying to get to bed and the thoughts of what happened there just 3 hours up the road from me wouldn't allow it. I had never thought of this before, but I wish I had traveled to Waco then and helped those innocent people(Innocent until proven guilty, isn't it?) What have we let our government become when we allow them to murder our fellow citizens and not make them retire and be tried for it?
If your planning on responding to this thread in a negative light, about people being guilty and getting what they deserve, please watch the video first. When you see an 8 yr old twisted and contorted from the effects of CS gas pumped into the house, you might just change your mind about who shoud have been burned alive. Our government is a murderer, and that is a simple fact. The question remains now, what do we do about it?

Live Free or Die Trying,

We've been discussing this in depth the past few weeks.
You'll find your answer on a number of threads in this forum alone...with lots of citations and other info.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I watched it last night too, Steve.
I feel the same way! "Not a shot was fired" my a$$!! ;)

Happiness is a tight group!
Just an observation, Ruger, but if you had joined the unfortunate souls at Waco, you would not be posting here now. You would be, quite literally, toast.

Be cautious in your public polemics and stay away from what might attract undue admiration.

As you go about your day, you would do well to remember the XXX agencies' preliminary tactics leading up to the two well publicized cases:

Infiltration, entrapment, and the use of agent provocateurs.

Finally, keep in mind:

"The nail that sticks up is the one that gets hammered". ;)

[This message has been edited by Joe Mama (edited September 13, 1999).]

Can't argue the truth of your points, can only argue the reason I don't believe in lying silent. There will come a time in this country when we all will be Davidians to the government, if we are not already so labeled. If the government decides to roll over me, deprive me of my 1st amendment right, it will at least give America a little more fire to an already simmering pot. The reason we are facing this dilema, watching fellow Americans burn is this, we ALL don't step-up. I'm not faulting you, but the fact is, I've decided I value freedom for future generations a little more than I do my own. Sorry just the way I was raised. America is bigger than you or I, it's bigger than all the people in this room, it's larger than the flag, the congress, the presidency, the Supreme court. America is the blood of every soldier who ever died defending her, the blood of everyone of us who take as stand against the wrongs done here, It's the blood of every person of every ethnicity that calls her home. She's worth more to me than my own meaningless life.

If I had traveled to Waco, I wouldn't have been in Mount Carmel, I wouldn't have travled alone, I wouldn't have ever approached and asked permission to join them. I would have taken my rifle and lots of ammo. I might have died, I might have been captured(I doubt that), but the fact is I wouldn't be sitting here with a sour stomach thinking about innocent Americans butchered, by the Government of the Nation they loved. Think they didn't love her, then why did they fly the flag?

JM, in my opinion a citizen whose not willing to take a chance for liberty and freedom does not deserve them.

I'm the nail sticking-up hammer away if you like, just hope it's not a pressure switch underneath that nail.

Live Free or Die Trying,

Ruger, I'm trying to think of a response to the words you just said and I am having a very hard time. I'm with you 110% The Davidian's don't even think the HBO movie is truly accurate. One website calls "FBI Rules of Engagement" a cover up!
I am having a very hard time dealing with what My government and My military are reported to have done. I am not carrer military but I served from 70 to 74. I am not a politician but I vote every chance I get. I pay taxes heavily and get here
Hank and all you other folks who stood tall for america, Thanks for your commitment. Because of men like you, folks like me are still allowed to rant and rave, and spout not to popular speeches from time to time. Hats of to you folks.

Live Free or Die Trying,

I posted elswhere tonight on Waco. The shortwave has been talking about the use of Delta force at Waco for some time now. None of this surprises me. nothing will be done. Period. Danforth will see that nothing will be done just like nothing was done a few years ago when our wonderful Congress had its"investigation" of the most important event in American history since Pearl Harbor. Why do i say this. Because the US government needed to find out if the American people would approve of goverment sanctioned MURDER. Guess what? THey did approve. The American people passed with flying colors the government test. Do you people really see Congress doing anything about the butchery at Waco? How do i feel about Waco? Put the real blame on the American people who are no more the Watchmen on the Tower. THrough decades of indifference, the people have let the three branches of government work together to destroy this Republic. We the people have created a MONSTER which has devoured us financially and soon will destroy our system physically. The roots of Waco go back many decades and Waco is just a culmination of the powerful corporate state we have allowed to be created. God help us all.
You know, Ivan, I get sick and fu**ing ***** of some of the things you say BUT. I think you speak the truth my friend!
That is what worries me. What worries you?
We will all hang by our necks or our tails anyway! OR AS A GROUP