How does flash hider eliminate muzzle flash?


New member
Does anyone know how a flash hider actually eliminates muzzle flash? With cheap ammo I have an 18" muzzle flash escaping from my plain barrel while my buddy's pre-ban rifle with Phantom flash hider has zero flash in the same barrel length. How does this 2" extention eliminate 18" of flash?
It creates a vortex which forces air into the muzzle area.
This increases the burn rate of the unburned powder.

With out the flash hider the fuel meets the atmospheric O2 and burns as a big "slow" cloud.

It doesn't!

It redirects the flash away from the shooter's line of sight in an attempt to preserve his night vision. It has, more than anything, become a major bug-a-boo to the gun banning hopliphobes!

Powder selection can do more for flash supression than any "flash supressor." The IDPA Journal, this month, has a test if the relative flash brightness of various pistol powders. Milspec powders have flash supressants which are disallowed in civilian powders. (Why is the Government SO afraid of we common, ordinary descent citizens having such modern marvels?)

Yr. Obt. Svnt.
This brings up an even more fundamental question: is the purpose of the flash suppressor to protect the shooter's night vision or prevent the enemy from detecting the shooter's position? I've always heard the latter.
I don't think it's verboten, just that regular powder makers don't consider flash important.

Isn't the flash suppressant just ground up chalk?
I've heard on that Winchester Q3131(A) is loaded to the M193 spec and has a greatly reduced muzzle flash compared to other commercial ammunition.
I think flash supressant is usually some form of graphite coating on the powder granule and is used by ammo makers for some of their ammo. It is not illegal for civilians as far as I know its just that for most reloaders muzzle flash is not a concern and don't want to pay extra to eliminate it.
On the question of what the purpose of the flash hider is, it's primarily for preserving the night vision of the shooter. It's not possible, or at least not very easy, to totally eliminate the flash so that the shootee wouldn't see it.