How does cz75 blueing look?


New member
Looking into getting the CZ75b compact. I have seen the "wondercoat" finish, but not a blued CZ. My dealer does not stock them.

I heard that the wonder finish flakes off. Yet I have heard that the blue job is horrid. These are the only two opinions I have had.


If by wonder finish you're talking about the polymer finish, then i'd have to disagree that it flakes off. When I bought my CZ75b, I went with the polymer over the blue finish because it looked better. I bough mine during a special CZ days a local dealer was having. The CZ factory rep was there with samples of each of CZ's offerings. The Polymer finshed CZ75 looked brand new after a year of hard use, while the blued finish looked a bit worse for wear. I wouldn't call the blued finish horrible, but you're never going to confuse it with Colt's Royal Blue on a Python either. It roughly compares with the blue on a Ruger.