How do you Un-Cock a live round in a Model 12?


I have a 1929 Model 12 16ga. I was given by my Father-in-law. I was wanting to take it to the range but I am unfamiliar with the gun. I bought a couple of snap shells just to see if the action worked properly and to get familiar with the gun.

I cannot figure out how to unload a live round from the chamber without pulling the trigger. I know there is a release button on the left side of the receiver but that only seems to operate once the shell is fired or the trigger is pulled in the case of a dry fire.

Is something wrong with this shotgun or am I not doing something correctly?

Any help would be appreciated? Thanks.
There is a small rounded lever on the bottom of the receiver. Push in and the bolt should open. If the receiver won't open, try pushing the operating handle away from you (towards the muzzle). If it still won't open, see a gunsmith.
Scorch pretty much said it all, Model 12's sometime need a forward shove on the forearm to set it up to work the release. Not the best of terminology, but I am sure you get the point.
Thanks for your replies. I have moved the forend forward and pushed that small lever/button and it still won't release the cartridge in the barrel. Thanks, it sounds like I need to go to the gun shop.
You might try a good clean and re-oil first. Sometimes the mechanism is crudded up and by cleaning you solve the sticking problem. It also could be assembled incorrectly. Otherwise I agree, it should go in for a check-up.
webbee, I am going to do a take down and clean and oil as you have suggested.

Ausserordeutlich, I was able to get one snap shell to eject by forcing the slide back and forth kind of jimmying it while I held the release button in. I haven’t been able to get it to do it a second time though.

I am going to clean and oil as webbee suggested.

Thanks for your help.
I also have a 16 gague model 12 was given to me when I was eleven It used to do the same thing you would have to shove it forward to get it to cycle took to a gunsmith don't know what he did but works fine now. don't shoot it much because of avaibilty and price of ammo R Hoffler