How do you train?


New member
Hi guys..

I always read in many forums about many topics like the best pistol, what would you do in X situation, how do you carry a gun while taking a shower because there can come some zombies and you have to be ready, having 40 handguns at home, car....

but how do you train? do you pay for good training ? there is many people who sometimes say "I have 4 years with a gun, but only 500 rounds".. or I have 20 years with guns but only shooting straight at the range..and it is not bad,it is ok if you only like to shoot the gun sometimes but for SD I think it is not enough...

I know it is difficult to get a pretty good kind of real situation.. and the mindset...

but at least do you practice shooting while moving? shooting target that are moving? shooting from cover, strong hand only, weak hand...shooting multiple target, and multiple target while moving?

Seriously, I see many people who only because they have a gun and shoot sometimes, without training and they thing they are ready for a SD situation. I dont say I am ready but I try to practice and training.

and at the end we dont know how we are going to react in a SD situation.. but at least a good training would be something and better than just range and watching videos on youtube..
I compete in IPDA style match monthly. About as realistic as I can get with my budget and time constraints.

Some of the "stages":
Moving while shooting, reloading, strong hand, weak hand, low light, and no-light etc.

I also do a lot of dry firing and practice reloads at home.
I train at home and at professional training. While there are many good schools out there I have found one that is top quality and a fraction of the price of most GOOD SCHOOLS. I have attended schools that were considered "professional" but left much to be desired. I really don't like spending half the day waiting at the truck tailgate for the next string of shooters to fire. So,
I train a few times a year with an LEO-run group here in Colorado. Recently, they ran an active-shooter course for civilians. By far the best and most realistic handgun-use training I've ever had.
I practice shooting firearms at the range and everything else you mentioned at home (or in a suitable outdoors area when others are involved) with Airsoft guns. :) In my opinion, there is no substitute for realistic training, especially when you can find others to train with (that is, against) you in a realistic manner. And short of the real thing, there is no substitute for shooting things (even if they're only 6mm plastic BBs) at other people and having them shoot at you.
I typically focus on being able to pick a point on a target and to be able to hit it time and time again as quickly as possible. I don't have any drills yet.
A group of us train together at my place and other places. I try to learn from these guys as they have had to use a gun (military and LEO). Most are family which helps a lot. The main thing my brother and I do is we still practise the wrestling stuff we did as kids in high school he went to state I wasnt that good. It isnt shoot at bad guys type stuff tho. More personal attack stuff.

We used to box too, still put on the gloves to show the younger guys movements and how to take a punch etc.

HTH is important as is shooting.
but at least do you practice shooting while moving? shooting target that are moving? shooting from cover, strong hand only, weak hand...shooting multiple target, and multiple target while moving?

Answered in the order asked above

Yes......... yes when possible (less often than I would like however)........yes.........yes........yes.......yes........and yes.

Plus I dry fire, draw practice, practice one hand reloading both weak and strong hands, etc.

One thing I like to do is point at an object, find the front site, and tap the trigger then repeat on a different object then another etc as fast as possible making sure to repeat the point,front site,tap sequence each time.

Competition is excellent although I have been slacking as of late.
Hi guys.

What I most like is shooting IDPA, I go twice a month and some night at an outdoor range some "tactical" practice, dry fire, drawing from holster

with idpa you can practice many things you cant do at is not the best training but if you already have some training you can practice some stuff there.

Having a gun is not a kids toy.. but I see many people who have a gun or many guns, and many people say what they would do in X situation, but just few have some training. And many of them think they are safe with a gun, or even some think they are bad boys or rambo...

I think we have to be responsible... and if we think about SD situation or have the gun for SD we have to think about training and practice. because if in any SD situation we do something wrong we can hit/hurt an innocent person..
training is has many sides

Many talked about the physical part. Meaning the ability to technically be "proficient" enough to shoot well in a dynamic shooting scenario.

There are at least 2 other dimensions.

Mentally one has to be ready for the ramifications of lethal force... the use of it and the after effects. How you as a person will deal with it.

Third is the financial side. Many people truly don't know nor prepare for this at all. Here's a group you might be interested in...
Shooting for chuckles and giggles is dependent on ammo, weather and time constraints, it could be hours.

Defensive handgun training is a 30 minute session at ranges from 7 yards to 15 yards, strong hand, weak hand, two hand strong, two hand weak hand. From ready position and from holster, usually strong side but sometimes weak side or shoulder holster. When I run through that I am wiped, further shooting would do me no good.
I've been doing more and more with airguns at home.
Most ranges have rules and restrictions that prevent practicing in a meaningful way.
The "practical" competitions provide some good stuff, but getting to one may not always be convienent.
But with the airguns, I can practice whenever and however I choose.
Like setting up targets all over the house and hunting them down, even in the dark.
Kind of hard to do with a .45.
Or I can practice defending against a car jacking, and shoot bad guys from the driver's seat.
Best done in the closed garage, though.
I started using airguns as just an alternative during bad weather, but it's a really effective and handy way to practice.
I have spent more time infront of the mirror practicing going from the holster to full presentation and dry firing. It also helped dial in my natural point of aim so I do not have to get a sight picture on an unobstructed target.