How do you sleep at night?


New member
How do you sleep at night?

I find lately that I am so fed up with faulty logic, ridiculous laws, a lack of personal responsibility on many fellow citizens’ parts, frivolous litigation, and the incredible abbreviation of my rights that I am turning into a rather grumpy person. My coworkers, friends, and family all say that I am too serious; that in the last six years they have been waiting for me to relax; that I am always looking for the angle or the truth behind the rhetoric. When I do watch broadcast news, I usually fly into a rage within about thirty-seconds and my wife laughs as I pick apart the anchor’s fallacious reasoning. I’m annoyed in the grocery check out while I listen to people discuss events of the day with no concept of the issue’s context. I’m pissed off by people that always have an opinion (one must have knowledge of a subject to have an opinion). As I lay awake last night contemplating all of this I thought about you, fellow TFL members and realized I must not be alone. So I ask, somewhat rhetorically, how do you sleep at night?

I'm an active Christian, and in being so subcribe to the belief that all things are in God's hand and he knows the begining from the end.

This does not mean that I am passive, but that I put forth the effort that I am able and leaving the rest to God.

I know that all will be right and that even though this country will come under armed conflict it will end well and I will do my part.

If I did not know these things there would be fewer congressmen, judges, and federal agents.

Their time will come. Not even Mr. Clinton will be aquitted at the final judgement.

That is how I sleep at night.

That is how I sleep at night.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 03, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 03, 1999).]
Well, Mendocino, at last I have found thee - my twin brother I didst not know I had. I hope Rob's ad makes the paper so I can watch Peter Jennings choke when he reads it on the air!

How do I sleep?

Dead bolt locks, an old house with creaky floors, a mean-assed dog outside and a 1911 full of Hydra-Shoks over the headboard - Hell, I sleep like a baby!
Add to that the incessant inane prattle of your local news people...that phony-ass enthusiasm and giggling they constantly do.

I have increased my vino consumption ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I'm not here to start fight. BUT...when I here of all things being in God's hands I am amazed that anyone does anything for himself. If everything is predestined, then why do we have a complaint and why are there differences of opinion? I believe in evolution and revolution, when necessary. I carry a handgun 100% of the time because not all evolution is for the better. There are goblins on the streets. Did God put them there? Am I, therefore, forbidden to remove them? Shall I sit here and await my fate or should I contribute to my fate by standing up on my own hind legs and doing what is right? Right from a sociological and ethical point of view, not "RIGHT" from what someone who is no brighter than I preaches. Come on folks, look around you. Don't wait to be led, be a doer and a leader. Nuff said... - Doc

You make me laugh! :D I had to chuckle when I read your reply. It reminds me of the blind man who felt the elephant's leg and pronounced that he was holding onto the trunk of a tree.

I don't blame you for not understanding when you don't have the whole picture (or elephant)! :)

I felt the same way for a while, until someone explained how it really worked.

But, certainly that is for another forum, or a nice conversation over e-mail or in person if we're close.

Sincerely, and hopefully not overbearing,


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
How do I sleep at night?
Usually on my right side. Worrying is like a rocking chair, its something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. :)
Feats the cat used to say, "Trust in God, but lock your doors." Funny cat, got along with most dogs, loved the smell of cigars & Hoppe's #9, liked to help me clean guns. M2
How do I sleep?

With Mr. Mossberg on the left, Mr. Ruger on the right, and Mr. Rossi on the nightstand.

Mr. Mossberg got a wake-up call last night. The landlord recently brought in a metric buttload of rocks for landscaping, and dumped most of them outside my cottage. As I was drifting off about 10 p.m., I heard a small rockslide right outside my window. Without thinking[1], I rolled off the bed, grabbed the shotgun, and pumped it.

Next thing I heard was the pitter-patter of sneaker-shod feet moving away at about 30 mph :).

To answer the question non-facetiously, I try to not let the idyits upset me. If all I can do is call and email my Congresscritter, and educate the people who ask intelligent questions, then that's all I *can* do, and stressing over it doesn't help.

[1] Save the clever comebacks, OK? :D

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited March 04, 1999).]
I don't sleep at night. I sleep in the day time, I work at night.
I don't watch network or local news for exactly the reasons you stated, after all listening to the braying of a Jackass doesn't increase your knowlage.

AS to ignorant people, I have come to the conclusion that they are not worth the hassle because they are really stupid. Ignorant is simply not knowing the facts, Stupid is being unwilling to learn. If they will listen then teach, if they will not learn, then being upset will not make them any less stupid.

I sleep well because I know I do all that I can, and will continue to do so, the rest is in the Father's hands.
I'm inspired by all the believers on TFL. We are brothers in faith as well as the second amendment.
BTW my nightstand usually has a bible on it, but there's always a loaded G-23 laying there. If anyone is wondering, it's just me and the wife in the house. We don't see the need for any child proof devices in our situation.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
how do i sleep? with the help of alot of pills. that's how i sleep! (legal perscriptions) :(

fiat justitia
Buzz -

It's all well and good to claim TFL members as brothers in the Second, but please realize that some of us (yes, I mean me) are *not* Christian.

I have no problem with Christians aligning themselves with gun rights, but there are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and you-name-it gunnies as well. Mixing in religion seems like just another fracture point in an otherwise solid brotherhood.
Yes, Coinneach, we each have our own beliefs. Mine are stand up on your own hind legs, be honest, abide by an ethic and, above all, be self-reliant. I sleep with a Sig and a short 870 and a loving wife. We are who we are and don't thank anybody or blame anybody for that. We sleep very well and have been doing so for nearly 69 years. - Doc
Hey, Mendocino, how do you like people not being able to answer a rhetorical question? I completely agree with you when it comes to the plumb idiots that flood this planet, but people of lower intelligence cannot be avoided. I'm up for forming my own country banning all idiots and morons that muster half a thought...
I need a T-shirt -- "I'm probably fantasizing about killing you right now" to wear out in public... hehe, maybe they are dumb and I'm just crazy.
How do I sleep at night?

Quite well, thank you. I quit watching network television in 1986. If I want to know what's going on in the world I'll read the latest issue of American Rifleman or G&A.

I have a son who's 12 months old; every day I am reminded that I have a responsibility, both as an American and a father, to instill in him the values that my mother and father instilled in me. Hard work, discipline, and honor. A belief in God (whatever you choose to call Him). And the knowledge that, no matter what happens, nobody controls your life but you.
On the matter of religion, I will say "I'm with Doc!" and do my best to let it lay. (It's hard, so very, very hard.) Let's not add another subject for division.
I had a good friend who used to say "4 out of 5" when he was confronted by the "average" person. His meaning was that 4 out of 5 people could not survive for one week on this planet without the aid and assistance of a soceity that encourages weakness and applauds the substandard. I used to think he was being rather callous.
I have since determined that his estimate was unreasonably optimistic. The ratio im closer to 9 out of 10, maybe more.
When you consider that intelligence is measured on a bell curve, lowest point is an IQ of Zero Highest being what ever the highest IQ in the world is, "Average" comes out as an IQ of somewhere around 68. This is the score acheived by one who is SEVERELY retarded. I mean, one who is not capable of functioning as an independant member of society. Doen't this sound like the people you see blathering thier idiot nonsense in the checkout line? The implications are terrifying.
In short, I work VERY hard all day and finally fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day. That's how I sleep.
BTW It helps that I have a wife for who's mind I hold a deep and abiding respect. We talk. ALWAYS! It doesn't just help. It is what makes life good.

Your mind is your primary weapon.
How do I sleep? First by getting my news off the inter-net where it is less bias than the major networks. I gave up on them years ago after I realized that they were pushing a socialist agenda. Second I work hard and contribute a considerable amount of time working with the local gun club, candidates who support the 2nd and getting out to talk to others. Third when the stress really gets to me I take a ride down to the creek and shoot off a few hundred rounds through my 357. By the end of the day I'm so tired that sleep is no problem.

I sleep at night by fighting the good fight, standing up for the Second Amendment whenever posible, and having a 12ga. Mossberg stoked with 00 Buck.

But mostly, what really helps is that unlike most people out there, I keep an eye on things. Read the news, mostly the 'net, and am slowly but surely positioning myself and my family to be ready in case anything happens. I will not be the mindless fodder that so many in American society seem destined to become.